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Factors Affecting Local Temperature Distribution in Taiwan




Surface measurements from Central Weather Bureau synoptic and automatic stations are adopted to analyze hourly mean temperature in northern and western coastal areas of Taiwan during 1997-2010, and to clarify the effects of natural and anthropogenic factors on local climate in Taiwan. Analyzed temperature parameters include monthly mean temperature, monthly-mean maximum temperature, minimum temperature and diurnal temperature range, and hourly mean temperature. Two lines are chosen according to the station locations and topography. Line A is a east-west directed linerunning through a relatively constant latitude, through the north of Taiwan. The topography along this line is higher in the middle and lower at the two ends. The stations on the west of the mountains are located in Taoyuan city and New Taipei city, and are far more urbanized than those on the east of the mountains, which are located in relatively rural and undeveloped areas. Line B runs north-south through coastal and low topography areas of western Taiwan. Overall, the temperature distributions of line A seem affected by natural factors such as station altitude, land-sea temperature contrast, ocean currents, windward and leeward, and anthropogenic factors such as heat sources in the city and tall buildings blocking heat transport. The temperature distributions along line B appear influenced by the natural factor of ocean modulation, which results in minimal change in mean temperatures in different latitudes. However, the combination of wind direction, a natural factor, and heat emissions from industrial plants in large industrial parks, an anthropogenic factor, creates major temperature differences along line B.


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