  • 期刊


Neighborhood Affordance Friendliness Impact on Elderly's Activity and on Neighborhood Affordance Satisfaction A Comparative Study




都市老人 活動 鄰里空間 供給 友善度


Population has aged faster in Taiwan than in many other countries in the world, with aging-in-place as the most common living arrangement. Consequently, constructing a senior-friendly environment is the significant issue for urban neighborhood planning for Taiwan. This study conducts surveys in early developed small blocks in Banqiao and Xinzhuang, and the superblocks in the newly developed the special zone of NTPU (National Taipei University), to discuss the main activity space categories, activity types and ranges of the elderly from different regions of a city. Additionally, the study considers the satisfaction degree of neighborhood affordance, and the factors that contribute to this, comparing the figures for the elderly from different regions and the entire senior population. The purpose of this (study was to identify the activity condition and demand of the urban seniors in the neighborhood. Analytical results show that elderly people in the special zone of NTPU for the neighborhood affordance, neighborhood recreational spaces and facilities, learning spaces and facilities have obviously higher satisfaction levels than the elderly in Banqiao and Xinzhuang. The research also indicates that, the elderly in neighborhoods with superblocks, the well-rounded pedestrian system, and a great quantity of large public open spaces enjoyed satisfaction degrees for every aspect of their neighborhood than the elderly in the neighborhood with small blocks. The elderly mainly used large public open spaces (large parks and university campuses) and neighborhood parks. Personal activities are the preferable types of activities for the elderly in large public open spaces. In neighborhood parks, (besides OR as well as OR in addition to) personal activities, socializing activities (getting together and chatting) are also main activities for the elderly, due to limited activity spaces. Neighborhood satisfaction of the elderly in Xinzhuang and Banqiao results mainly from the basic need for activity space and facility affordances. Conversely, the elderly in the NTPU special zone gain satisfaction mainly from use of recreational facilities. In addition, elderly living in NTPU have higher neighborhood affordance satisfaction than elderly living in Banqiao and Xinzhuang. The pedestrian linkage degree is below 25% in Banqiao and Xinzhuang, due to their small-block development patterns. Therefore, "distance between the residence and traffic station", "accessibility affordance of public traffic system in neighborhood" and "social affordance factors in neighborhood environment" are significant factors of the affordance satisfaction for the elderly in Banqiao and Xinzhuang.


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