  • 期刊


Effect of Sewage Sludge on Growth and Mineral Composition in Petunia, Impatiens, Salvia and Flowering Tobacco Seedlings


以水苔泥炭/蛭石各半之混合介質栽培矮牽牛、非洲鳳仙花、一串紅和花烟草四種花苗,其生育優於以砂/杉木屑各半之混合介質,但於砂/杉木屑介質拌入3/4體積汚泥或Osmocote (N-P-K, 14-6.2-11.4)緩效性肥料6 g/1,其生充在水苔泥炭/蛭石單施培養液者相近。汚泥可改善砂/杉木屑介質之物理化學性質,便對水苔泥炭/蛭石祇增加其鹽頻導電度而已。汚泥使四種草花苗之地上部含Ca,Zn和Mn增加,矮牽牛新葉黃化及小苗生育受阻認爲與地上部累積過量之Mn和Zn有關。一串紅小苗可忍受高鋅錳含量。


Four bedding plants i.e petunia, impatiens salvia, and flowering tobacco seedlings, were grown on sand/sawdust (1:1) and peat/vermiculite (1:1) mixes amended with Osmocote (N-P-K, 14-6.2-11.6) 6 g/l or with 1/4 volume of digested sewage sludge and fertilized with complete nutrient solutions 2 time a week. Plants grew better in peat/ vermiculite mixes than in sand/sawdust mixes. However, the plant growth would be very similar in both media if the sand/sawdust mixes is enriched with Osmocote or amended with sludge. Sewage sludge markedly improved physical and chemical properties of sand/sawdust potting mixes. However, it only increases salt conductivity in peat/vermiculite mixes. Tops of four beddings plants grown in sewage sludge media showed higher concentration of Ca, Mn and Zn than control. Leaf chlorosis in petumia was noted and attributed to excess concentration of Mn and Zn. However, salvia showed tolerant to hight Mn and Zn.
