  • 期刊


Effect of Silver Nitrate on Proliferation of Phalaenopsis Tissues in Vitro


取蝴蝶蘭擬原球體及分生幼株之短縮莖為培植體行組織培養繁殖時,最易增殖、葉次之、而根則不易產生擬原球體。培養基中加入抗乙烯作用劑硝酸銀0.025~0.1 mM或培植體先浸泡硝酸銀0.1 mM溶液2小時後培養,均可加速及增多擬原球體之形成,進而形成小植株,尤以葉片處理,破壞業片角質層,使擬原球體由切口及葉表面多量長出,效果最佳。


Summary The effect of ethylene antagonist silver nitrate on protocorm-like bodies formation in various organs of plantlet of phalaenopsis (P. Golden Emperor 'Sweet' and P. Snow Mist 'Large Sepal') was studied. Protocorm-like bodies formation was enhanced by 0.025~0.1 mM silver nitrate in cultured media or presoaking the organs in 0.1 mM silver nitrate solution for 2 hours. Protocorm-like bodies formed not only from wounding area, but also on the surface of leaf after soaking in 0.1 mM silver nitrate for 2 hours. It seems likely that AgNO3 soaking also disturbed the covering cuticle layer which may be a barrier for protocorm formation from leaf surface. The proliferation rates of protocorm-like bodies from stem were higher than from leaves There was no any regeneration from root explant in this experiment.
