  • 期刊


Effects of Fertilizer Dosage and Apply times of Fertigation on Growth, Yield and Quality of Tea Bush (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kunt.)


將台肥一號液肥以高壓注入由PE穿孔管組成的茶園低壓灌溉系統中,並在不同距離及管線中取樣分析灌溉水中鉀離子含量,發現液體肥料可隨PE穿孔管系統均勻的分布於灌區內。依據此項結果進行盆栽試驗與田間試驗,結果顯示: 盆栽之青心大有茶樹以3種液體肥料量,在每個茶秀萌芽前,分兩次隨灌溉水施用,合計施用10次,3種施肥量之枝條生長長度與葉片數之差異不大,但明顯較傳統施肥法、傳統施肥法施行灌溉及液肥隨灌溉水分3次施肥爲佳。液肥隨灌溉水分3次施用下,枝葉生長量而不及傳統施肥法且施行灌溉之植株,製茶品質之趨勢亦相近。 以武夷種茶樹進行之田間試驗結果發現,每季茶分2次施用者産量較高,但與其他處理間之差異不大,不過高價的春、秋、冬茶産量明顯較其他處理高。傳統分3次施肥者,無論施用固體肥料或灌溉兼施液肥,均因低價的夏茶與六月白茶産量過高,而使全年産量與前者無差異;在全年僅分3次施肥下,灌溉兼施液肥之生産效益,反而較施用固體肥料且行灌溉者爲差。由每季茶分2次灌溉兼施液肥之3種施肥量間産量並異不顯著的結果,可知茶園利用比種施肥方法可節省1/3-2/3之肥料施用量。各處理間所生産之茶菁製茶品質差異不大。


茶樹 灌溉兼施肥 産量 品質


Fertilizer dosage and dose times were studied in a tea fertigation system, the results were as follow: Taiwan Liquid Fertilizer No. I was injected into a low Pressure irrigation system, which used PE perforated-pip, K+ in irrigation water, was detected as the indicator of the distribution of fertilizer in irrigated area. It shows that K+ distributes very uniform in this fertigation system. The effects of 7 treatments included 3 different fertilizer dosage (total year applied N2PO5:K2O 360:60:18O to 120:20:60 Kg/ha), 2 different doses (3 times and 1O times fertigation per year) and 2 control plot (compound fertilizer, with and without irrigation) on tea growth, yield and quality were studied in a pot and a field experiment. Shoot growth of the plant in 10 times fertigation plot were better than that in 3 times fertilizer treatment, but no difference among different fertilizer dosages in 10 times fertigation plot. The yield of spring, autumn and winter season crops which the fresh leaves always have high price in the year, are significant higher than control and 3 times fertigation plot, although the total yield of whole year are no significant difference. Its means that 10 times fertigation per year increase income significantly than increase the yield of fresh tea leaves. The highest total and winter season crop yield during this two years experiment were maximized at 10 times fertigation with the lowest fertilizer dosage (N:P2O5:K2 0)=120:20:60 (kg/ha/year), so fertilizer requirement of tea , by optimum fertigation method would decrease about 1/3 to 2/3 to recommended. Quality of made tea were no significantly different among all of the treatment not only pot but also field experiment.


Tea Fertigation Yield Quality
