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Effects of Temperature and Gibberellic Acid (GA3) on Flowering of Aglaonemas


本文探討溫度與GA3處理對台灣重要之粗肋草品種開花的影響,期能使參試品種之花期一致,以利雜交授粉。廣東粗肋草(Aglaonema modestum)、白柄粗肋草(A. commutatum, 'Pseudobracteatum')、黑美人粗肋草(A. commutatum, 'EmeraldBeauty')與美麗粗肋草(A. commutatum var. elegans)在三月上旬以30/25℃與25/20℃溫度處理,分別經26-29天、41-43天、57-66天、78-82天後開花,可使花期集中於四至六月。高溫35/30℃使花序或佛焰苞發育不正常;而低溫20/15℃與15/13℃延遲或抑制佛焰苞展開與雌雄花發育。在十一月下旬,於30/25℃與25/20℃溫度下配合噴施GA3處理七週後,移至18-22℃溫室,使白柄粗肋草、黑美人粗肋草與銀后粗肋草(A. 'Silver Queen')花序數目增加,花期提前並集中於三至五月,未噴施GA3者於處理185天試驗結束後,植株尚未開花。


粗肋草 溫度 激勃素 開花


Effects of temperature and/or gibberellic acid (GA3) on flowering of Aglaonemas were studied under phytotron conditions in order to synchronize flowering for pollination and hybridization. Aglaonema modestum, A. commutatum 'Pseudobracteatum', A. commutatum 'Emerald Beauty', and A. commutatum var. elegans were stimulated in April, May and June by treatment under temperatures of 30/25 and 25/20℃ in early March. High temperature of 35/30℃ resulted in the deformation of spathes and inflorescences, while low temperatures of 20/15 and 15/13℃ retarded or inhibited the unfolding of spathe and inflorescence development. Transferring Aglaonema commutatum 'Pseudobracteatum', A. commutatum 'Emerald Beauty', Aglaonema 'Silver Queen', and A. commutatum var. elegans to greenhouse at 18-22℃, after a single spray of 250 ppm GA3 in late November at 30/25 and 25/20℃ has increased the number of inflorescences and synchronized flowering March to May . Plants without GA3 treatment showed no sign of flowering when the experiment was terminated after 185 days later.


Aglaonema temperature gibberellic acid GA3 flowering
