  • 期刊


Automated Stock Feeding and Water Quality Analysis of a domestic-developed Indoor water-circulating Aquaculture System


本研究係在中興大學農機系所研發之本土型室內式高密度循環水養殖系統中進行試驗,並以日本鰻魚為高密度養殖對象。本系統結合氣動式自動化投餌裝置,以機械式或電子式調控投餌時間與螺桿轉速,探討投餌量的準確性及對系統中之生物濾床與養殖主池水質的影響。水質參數包括溫度、溶氧量(DO)、酸鹼值(pH)、亞硝酸態氮、氨氮等水因子,分析投餌量與水質變化之關係,對養殖效率的影響,期得最適合之投餌量達到最佳的養殖效率,減少人工成本提升實質收益。 試驗分析結果,氣動式投餌系統以電子式計時器準確性較高,且餌料輸送螺桿轉速與投餌量呈線性關係。準確率達99%,適合定時定量之投餌自動化。投餌期間之水質分析顯示,系統之池水溫度改變量不大,除了氨氮及亞硝酸濃度偏高外,酸鹼值及溶氧量均適合鰻魚之生長。當養殖密度為33公斤/噸水,所得之餌料係數為1.28,同時投餌效益分析獲致以每天早晚各一次之投餌餵食,投餵餌料達總魚體重量之0.9%時,可得最佳之養殖效益。


This project conducted by the Department of Agricultural-Machinery Engineering of National Chung-Hsing University has been concentrated on the research and development of a prototype high-density aquaculture system equipped with the continuous water-circulating equipment. The Japanese eels were the intended species of this study. The high-density aquaculture system utilized a combination of automated pneumatic device to control the stock feeding amounts. The accuracy of stock feeding amounts controlled respectively by the mechanical-and electronic-type time-regulator on the period of feeding and the rotation speed of the feeding screw will be investigated. The impact posed by the stock feed rate on the water quality, in both biofiltration treatment unit and the main cultivating tank, was evaluated by taking the water quality parameters including temperature, DO, pH and Nitrate-nitrogen. Using the correlation between changes of water quality and rate of adding feed stock obtained from this in-depth analysis, the result can be used to reduce labor cost and maximize the cultivation yield thereby increase the profit. The result of this research that the pneumatic stock feeding system coupling with an electronic time-regulating device achieved higher precision. The application is suitable for the eels cultivation that require a rationed stock feed rate with pre-set feed schedule. Linear relation was observed for the comparison of rotation rate of the screw-type stock feeder versus the stock feeding rate (by weight), and its precision was found to be approached 99%. Of the water quality parameters taken during the stock feeding duration, temperature change in this system was found negligible. Although concentrations of ammonium-nitrogen and nitride-nitrogen were tested slightly higher, pH and DO were normal for the, eels growth. For this research project the cultivating density was 33kg eels/metric too water; stock feeding coefficient was maintained at 1.28. The optimum yield was achieved by daily stock feed conducted twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, and with the weight of daily baits feeding equal to 0.9% of total weight of the eels. The results of this research serve as a good reference for the aquaculture practitioner, especially useful for eels cultivation, in the industry.


