  • 期刊


Variation of Emergence Ability under water-seeded Condition and Its Relationship with Grain Quality Characters in Rice


本研究以國內外不同水稻品種為材料,進行秧苗出土及生長特性之調查,主要有二個探討方向一、水稻湛水直播適性之品種篩選。二、目前臺灣良質米品種之米質特性與直播適性之關係。 結果顯示,來自8個不同地區的水稻品種表現有顯著差異,其中以日本、中國大陸及臺灣地區之品種具有較佳之直播適性。以出土勢及出土係數為指標,篩選出10個直播適性較好的品種,屬於日本型稻的有日本之Waseouno與Shinriki,臺灣之Taipei 309、Taichung 186及Habun No.1等五個品種;屬於印度型稻的有中國大陸之Ching-Feng 7、Feu-Lai-Feng及Liao-Feng 4,臺灣之Kao-Shen及菲律賓之Kenkibein等五個品種。 14個良質米品種之出土及生長特性調查,以Koshihikari、Taichung sen 10與Tainung sen 20等三個品種表現最好。在米質性狀與出土能力之關係方面,並未發現有顯著之關係。


This study was conducted to screen rice varieties with characters adaptable to water-seeded cultivation system, and to tackle the relationship between this adaptability and characters studied using rice varieties collected randomly from a wide range sources as experimental materials. The characters in respect to seedling adaptahility and seedling vigor, inc1uding grain quality characters were recorded. Significant difference in characters relating to seedling emergence abi1ity was observed among the 806 varieties. Using geographical region as classification index, varieties come from Japan, Taiwan and China mainland showed better seedling emergence ability than these from the other five regions in this experiment. A total of 10 varieties showed reasonable seedling emergence ability using seed1ing .emergence index as screening index. Among the 10 varieties, five are Japonica and the others are Indica. Of those Japonica varieties, Waseouno and Shinriki come from Japan and Taipei 309, Taichung 186 and Habun 1 from Taiwan. As to five Indica varieties, three come from China (Ching-Feng 7, Feu-Lai-Feng and Liao-Feng 4), one from Taiwan (Kao-Shan) and one from Philippines (Kenkiben) From observing the data in respect to seedling emergence ability, Koshihikari, Taichung Sen 10 and Tainung Sen 20 processed the best seedling emergence ability among the 14 recommended high grain-quality varieties in Taiwan. No significant correlation coefficients were found among the grain quality and the seedling emergence ability characters in this experiment.
