  • 期刊


Study on Electric Resistance Type of Soil Moisture Content Sensor




電阻式 土壤水分 感測器


The objective of this study was to explore the soil moisture content sensor of electric resistance type, which was made by the researcher, their relationship between sensor voltage output and soil moisture content, and to test the responsive sensibility and the stability of the sensor in different soil moisture content. The developed sensor can be used to manage the soil moisture content effectively. The inventive absorptive electric resistance type of soil moisture content sensor was made of high-polymeric plastic. The sensor contented tremendous continuous micro pores to absorb moisture. The sensor also could tolerate pH、corrosion、aging and the resistance of hydrolysis due to moisture and humidity. The experimental results showed the developed sensor was suitable for the loam in the moisture content range from 10% to 60%. The relationship between output voltage and moisture content is inverse and non-linear. The variation percentage rate of output voltage is less 0.31%. The values of output voltages corresponding to the moisture levels of 10% 20% 30% and 40% were between 1.9933V and 2.4733V. The difference of output voltage between 40% and 50% was 1.238V and the difference between 50% and 60% was 0.7027V. These data of above are significant. In other words, the output voltage of developed sensor is sensitive enough to respond the moisture content change.


蕭宗璿(2006)。不飽和土壤濕化水分特性曲線 影響因子之研究〔碩士論文,國立中央大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0031-0207200917340634
