  • 期刊


Heavy Metals Absorption of Hydroponic Chinese Kale


環境污染對社會的影響日益嚴重,亦日漸威脅到人體健康,其中重金屬的影響更是不容忽視。本研究以芥藍菜的水耕栽培作為模式,利用含有不同濃度之不同重金屬(Cd、As、Pb、Zn、Cu、Hg)之培養液來進行栽培,探討芥藍菜對不同重金屬吸收的差異。水耕培養液中分別加入含有10^(-4)與10^(-6) M濃度的各個重金屬元素,種植40天後分析芥藍菜樣品根、莖、葉各部位中重金屬的含量。結果發現根部的重金屬元素含量均較莖、葉為多,其在根部之含量多寡依序序為Hg、Cd、Cu、Pb、Zn、As,而在莖部和葉部之含量多寡順序,則均為Hg、As、Zn、Cd、Pb、Cu。同時葉部的相對含水率,卻會隨著根部重金屬含量的增加而呈現減少的情形。此乃因累積於根部的高重重金屬元素可能會形成重金屬壓力(heavy metal stress),干擾芥藍菜自根部至莖、葉的水份與養份傳送機制,使得莖、葉中的重金屬含量與葉片中的相對含水率減少,而培養液中不同重金屬濃度所導致之樣品中之重金屬含量的差異,則是離根部愈遠就愈小。


重金屬 吸收 芥藍菜 水耕法


The effect of environmental pollution to society becomes more and more serious, and gradually results in a potential threat to human health and the influence of heavy metals could not be negligible. In this research, effects of various concentrations of Cd, As, Cu, Zn, Pb, Hg on the heavy metal absorption of Chinese kale were studied. Each element was prepared at concentrations of 10^(-4) and 10^(-6) M in hydroponic culture solution, and Chinese kale was hydroponics-cultured for 40 days and element contents in roots, stems, leaves were analyzed. Results showed that roots accumulated elements more abundant than stems and leaves, and the contents were in a descending order of Hg, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, As. Meanwhile, the contents in stems and leaves was at the same order of Hg, As, Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu. The relative water content in leaves decreased with the increase of the heavy metal contents in roots. The effect of heavy metal stress occurred in roots might disturb the transport system of water and nutrients in Chinese kale, and lower the accumulation of elements and the water content in stems and leaves. On the other hand, the heavy metal difference in samples caused by the different heavy metal concentrations in nutrient solutions was found to be larger in roots and smaller in leaves.


heavy metals absorption Chinese kale hydroponics
