  • 期刊


Study on the Efficiency of Environmental Control and Laying Period Modulation with Environmental Controlled Goose House


本研究之目的為探討以環控鵝舍進行種鵝產期調節之環控與產期調整效果,並建立種鵝產蛋性能資料。利用環控鵝舍配合光照管理,進行種鵝產期調節試驗,以種鵝產蛋性能之產蛋期130~135天,年平均產蛋率30 %,年平均產蛋個數40~50個,為產期調節之評估指標。量測與記錄環控資料及種鵝日產蛋量、死亡隻數與種蛋受精蛋數,並調查傳統種鵝場之種鵝產蛋性能,分析環控與種鵝產期調節效果,並討論種鵝產蛋變化情形。試驗結果顯示,鵝舍具降溫與保溫之功能者,可提供種鵝夏季一適當之生長環境,惟舍內相對濕度經常維持在80%以上。當舍外溫度高達37.2℃,相對濕度48 %時,水牆降溫達7.2℃,降溫效率達70%以上,有效降低進入舍內之空氣溫度。舍內自水牆後至風扇後平均溫升為2.2℃,符合理論設計溫升2.5℃,其空氣狀態變化為加熱加濕。環控舍內鵝隻產蛋期為200天,平均產蛋率為33 .2%,平均產蛋數為66.3個,皆優於台灣一般水準以上種鵝性能。其產蛋率上升較傳統式者為慢,而產蛋高峰達45 .3%則較傳統式之39.9%為高,且產蛋高峰期亦較長。種蛋受精率隨光照時間延長而下降,種蛋平均受精率為80.0 %,與正常產期種鵝之種蛋受精率77.4~80 %類似。


種鵝 產期調整 環控


The purposes of this study were evaluating the efficiency of environmental control and laying period modulation with environmental controlled goose house and establishing performance data of egg production for goose breeders. Environmental controlled goose house and light control management were applied to the experiments of laying period modulation with the estimative indexes of 130~135 days for laying period, 30% for annual average egg production rate, and 40~50 eggs for annual average production per goose. The following data were recorded such as parameters of environmental control, daily egg production and mortality of goose breeders, and fertility of hatching eggs. Performances of egg production by goose breeders in conventional goose house were also investigated. The efficiency of environmental control and laying period modulation was analyzed and the variations of egg production were discussed for goose breeders. The controlled house could provide suitable growth environment for goose breeders in summer. It could keep the inside temperatures in a narrower range, which implied that temperature of inside house decreased in summer and increased in winter. However, the relative humidity was almost above 80% inside the house. The efficiency of cooling pad could reach 70% and effectively decrease the outside temperature with extent of 7.2℃ when the temperature of outside house was 37.2℃ and the relative humidity was 48%. The average temperature from post pad to post fans increased 2.2℃ inside the house and met with the theoretically designed increase of 2.5℃. The psychometric changes of the air were heated and humidified inside the house. The laying period, annual average egg production rate, and annual average production eggs per goose were 200 days, 33.2 % and 66.3, respectively. All the above data were superior to those of high performance goose breeders in Taiwan. The increasing rate of egg production rate was slower compared with the conventional house. Meanwhile, the peak of egg production rate could sustain longer and reach 45.3%, which was higher than that of conventional house with 39.9%. The fertility of eggs was decreased as lighting time increased and the average fertility was 80%, which was similar to that of normal laying period for goose breeders.
