  • 期刊


Evaluation of Farmland Planning Strategy Impacts on Farmland Spatial Structure and Habitat Quality


農地具有低開發成本的特性,往往成為土地開發、都市擴張、公共建設用地取得的主要區域,時常導致耕地面積縮減或零碎化,進而影響農業生產與生態棲地品質等,因此優良農業發展地區的劃設是現階段國土計畫法中重要的工作之一。有鑑於此,本研究提出一整合性質性與量化的研究方法評估農業發展區劃設對農地完整性與棲地品質之效益,首先採用農民問卷取得影響彰化縣土地利用變遷的14項影響因子,並應用於Dyna-CLUE模式中,模擬保護優良農業用地策略下土地利用變遷,模擬結果再以Fragstats v4.2.1進行水田與旱田的空間分布完整性分析,另以InVEST 3.3.3模式進行棲地品質分析,研究結果發現,保護彰化縣優良農業用地的情況下,水田與旱田的分布會於完整;此外必須同步適當的規劃城鄉發展地區,限制建地的開發區域,才能避免對環境的棲地品質造成衝擊。本研究所提地整合性方法可做為國土計畫不同劃設方案對於農地空間完整性與棲地品質影響之評估,透過不同方案之比較,提出較合理的劃設方案。


Past decades, area of farmland was severely reduced in Taiwan. National Land Planning policy was pacticed to protact high quality farmland since 2016. This work develops an integrate novel methodto assess farmland planning strategy impact on farmland spatial structure and habitat quality. Results of the farmer questionnary shows 14 driving force of 6 land-uses type. Resutls of land-use change simulation from 2015 to 2040 by Dyna-CLUE model shows builtup land dramaly increase in study area. Spatial structure analysis by Fragstate software shows that cluster spatial distribution of paddy and dry farmlands. Results of habitat quality analysis by software Invest model reveals that habitat quality gradually declin from 2015 t0 2040. The novel approach is useful for evaluating impact of land use planning strategy on landscape structure and ecosystem service.
