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Aphid Transmissibility and cross-protection Effectiveness of an Attenuated Mutant of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus



在我們先前研究中,將造成瓜類作物嚴重變形的台灣矮南瓜黃化嵌紋病毒(Zucchini yellow mosaic virus, ZYMV TN3)之協同性蛋白(HC-Pro)基因上兩個氨基酸突變,產生了一個在矮南瓜葉片上表現輕微嵌紋病徵之輕症病毒系統(ZYMVAC, ZAC),而且可在矮南瓜植株上提供高度交互保護作用,防止強症病毒系統ZYMV-TN3之侵害。在本試驗中,我們進一步測試輕症矮南瓜黃化嵌紋病毒系統ZAC之蚜蟲傳播能力。在蚜蟲傳播測試中,無翅蚜蟲先饑餓處理2小時,一組10隻蚜蟲被移至已接種ZYMV-TN3或ZAC病毒(3、5、10和15天)的矮南瓜葉片上獲毒10分鐘,然後再將獲毒後之蚜蟲轉移到健康的植物隔夜進行傳毒接種。蚜蟲傳播病毒試驗結果顯示突變之輕症矮南瓜黃化嵌紋病毒ZAC失去被蚜蟲傳播能力,即使累積高含量ZAC病毒之矮南瓜葉片時,蚜蟲獲毒後仍然無法傳播此病毒。此外,在西瓜,東方甜瓜及胡瓜上接種突變之輕症病毒系統ZAC,5天後即可產生完全抵抗強系重組病毒ZYMV-DerpⅤ的交互保護能力。因此本研究結果顯示經由突變產生之矮南瓜黃化嵌紋病毒之輕症病毒系統ZAC不僅在西瓜、東方甜瓜及胡瓜等主要瓜類作物上提供良好之保護效果,而且輕症病毒ZAC本身也無法被蚜蟲傳播,是一個極有價值之輕症病毒,可應用於田間瓜類作物以交互保護之策略對抗強症病毒之感染。


In our previous study, two amino acid substitutions in the HC-Pro gene of a Taiwan severe strain of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV-TN3) generated a mild mutant ZYMV AC (ZAC) that induces attenuated symptoms on squash plants and provides a high degree of cross-protection against the severe virus ZYMV-TN3. In this investigation, aphid transmissibility and cross-protection effectiveness of ZAC were examined. In aphid transmission tests, apterous aphids were collected in glass petri dishes, fasted for 2 hr, and then aphids were allowed a 10 min acquisition access time on plants at 3, 5, 10, and 15 days after inoculation with the infectious virus of severe TN3 or attenuated ZAC. After acquisition, aphids were placed on healthy squash seedlings at one true leaf stage, each with ten insects, and allowed an overnight inoculation access feeding. The results indicated that the mutant virus ZAC loses its aphid transmissibility, even though at the level of virus accumulation as high as that of ZYMV-TN3. In order to facilitate the feasibility for application, cross-protection effectiveness of ZAC was tested in several economic cucurbit crops. When the attenuated virus ZAC was used to protect plants of watermelon, oriental melon and cucumber against the mechanical challenge of a severe recombinant virus ZYMV-Derp V at 5 or 10 days after the protective inoculation, complete cross protection was noticed. Taken together, we conclude that the non-aphid-transmissible ZAC is a valuable mild strain for protecting major cucurbit crops against the severe infection of ZYMV.
