  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Coherent Transient Optical Kerr Effect in Liquids: Experimental Consideration


The noise tenaciously appearing in the optically heterodyne detected (OHD) transient optical Kerr effect (OKE) of simple molecular liquids is investigated. We show that, for liquid samples of interest to us, coherent coupling does exist and appears as noise when not properly resolved. The strength of coherent coupling relative to the OKE depends critically on the sample position, with respect to the beam waist of the probe laser, as well as the angle subtended by the pump and probe beams. When the optics alignment is optimized for the OKE against coherent coupling the OHDOKE signal is found to increase linearly with the local oscillator strength; the coherent coupling signal also appears to increase though the trend is not clear-cut.


