  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Magnetic Diffusion and Its Applications in Bulk High-Tc Superconductors


Magnetic diffusion in bulk high-Tc superconductors is important in electric power applications because the time scale associated with it is the same order of magnitude as the period of an AC system with frequency in the range of 50-60 Hz. It is shown that Bean’s critical-state model is applicable for equilibrium conditions but not for AC steady-state conditions. Furthermore, to accurately predict the time evolution of the magnetic field distribution in bulk high-Tc superconductors, one must simultaneously solve magnetic- and thermal-diffusion equations. Magnetic-diffusion equations can be applied to AC losses and other phenomena observed in many applications for bulk high-Tc superconductors, including inductively coupled fault current limiters and trapped-field magnets using a pulsed current supply.


