  • 期刊


Construction of Wood-Based Fire Door on Fire Endurance Performance


本研究之目的旨在探討以鍍鋅鋼板、氧化鎂板及四種木質材料(合板、亞麻粒片板、中密度纖維板及粒片板)等為試材,依材料之特性,規劃設計40種不同結構之門扇組合,進行防火時效1小時木質防火門之研製。依中華民國國家標準CNS 11227“建築用防火門耐火試驗法”試驗標準,以實驗室小型防火門加熱爐進行加熱試驗,以評估可通過試驗標準規定之防火時效1小時木質防火門扇之最佳組合。研究顯示,最佳門扇結構者為A系列者,依序為(由外向內側)氧化鎂板/鍍鋅鋼板/氧化鎂板/-/木質材料/氧化鎂板/氧化鎂板等之門扇組合;結構最差者為A-1.1,A-1.2,A-3.1及B-1.2,即氧化鎂板/-/木質材料/-/鍍鋅鋼板/-/氧化鎂板;鍍鋅鋼板/-/氧化鎂板/-/木質材料/-/鍍鋅鋼板/;氧化鎂板/-/鍍鋅鋼板/-/木質材料/-/及鍍鋅鋼板/-/氧化鎂板/-/木質材料/-/鍍鋅鋼板/等結構組合。就耐火性能評估,可通過防火時效1小時之規範者,四種木質材料以中密度纖維板者較佳。又門扇角材接合方式以木榫接合者優於傳統之釘槍接合者。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the development of one hour fire rated of wood-based fire doors using the galvanization steel plate, magnesium oxide board and three wood-based materials(plywood, particleboard, flaxboard and MDF) as raw materials. According to the plan of test design for various type materials and constructures design on the fire endurance performance for one hour rated fire doors. By using the CNS 11227 test standard to estimate the endurance performance of specimens, which heating with the small test furnace for Lab. scale. Test results showed the superior to constructure of specimens were A series (magnesium oxide board/galvanization steel plate/magnesium oxide board /-/wood-based materials /galvanization steel plate/ magnesium oxide board), while the worst were No. A-1.1, A-1.2 (magnesium oxide board/-/wood-based materials/-/galvanization steel plate/-/magnesium oxide board), A-3.1(magnesium oxide board/-/galvanization steel plate/-/ wood-based materials/-/ magnesium oxide boar/), and B-1.2.( galvanization steel plate/-/ magnesium oxide board /-/ wood-based materials/-/ galvanization steel plate/). Comparison of the fire endurance performance among three wood-based materials construct the fire doors, the MDF is the better than those of other three materials. After burned test, a tenon in woodworking of door frame showed better than that of the nail for conventional method.
