  • 期刊


The Development Strategy of Aquaculture Biotechnology in Taiwan


在生物技術眾多領域中,台灣的農業技術是唯一被全球認定為前12強的先進國家,而在學術研究上也僅有農業科學的相對影響值(Relative Impact, RI)為正,因此發展高附加價值的精緻農業,為台灣生物科技最重要的利基,也是政府實施應朝向方向之一。根據台灣經濟研究院針對我國「農業生物技術國家型科技計畫」七大領域所進行之抽樣調查分析結果顯示,水產養殖產業無論在技術優勢、市場需求潛力與未來國際競爭力等評估指標上均名列前茅,此發現顯示水產養殖確實為農業生物技術領域中適合台灣發展的重要項目。雖然台灣水產養殖業未來在發展生物科技方面具有潛力,但由於水產科技種類多,因此本研究從其中挑選出具潛力之關鍵技術項目(包括:魚(蝦)病防治、基因轉殖、功能性基因、飼料添加物、新品種、環境改良、生產設備、優質水產種苗、生物修復(Bioremediation)與生產技術等)為研究範圍,再對現有水產生物科技企業主進行問卷調查,將問卷結果依據經濟價值(Economic Value, EV)與競爭優勢(Competitive Advantage, CA)兩項指標篩選水產養殖策略性關鍵技術。本研究根據競爭優勢選出優質水產種苗、生產技術、魚(蝦)病防治、飼料添加物為領先指標;而在經濟價值方面則以優質水產種苗、生產技術、環境改良、飼料添加物為領先指標。綜合上述兩個指標,進一步篩選出優質水產種苗及生產技術為台灣水產生物技術未來發展最具競爭優勢的領域。此外,鑑於智慧財產權在生技產業發展的重要性,本研究另以企業本身所擁有專利數的多寡為權數,重新計算相關指標,結果仍然以優質水產種苗及生產技術最為重要,而再納入專利考量後將使這兩項指標更為顯著。


Around the world, Taiwan is one of the top twelve countries possessing the most advanced technology in agriculture. The positive RI (Relative Impact) evidently reveals such academic superiority in agricultural science. As a result, continuing development in high value-added and high tech agriculture will surely be strategic movements for the years to come. According to the recent survey from Taiwan Economic Institute, (which is ranked among major fields in agricultural biotechnology for technical superiority, market potential and future competitiveness) the interesting finding is that aquaculture takes the lead in sever major fields. Aquaculture is certainly one of the most potential fields for the future. What is more intriguing is to find out about the potentially fruitful subfields in aquaculture, given the limited funding in science research. In this research, we confine our interest in the fields of aquaculture and conduct surveys from the current businesses in aquaculture. Based upon the results, we rank ten potential subfields by the index of competitive advantage (CA) and economic value (EV). We found that superior seeds, production technique animal disease control and feed additives arc the leading subfield in CV. As the EV is used, similar results are drawn, except the place previously taken by animal disease control is substituted by environment improvement. In all fairness, superior feeds and production techniques are two of the most potential subfields for the future of aquaculture technology. To test our finding more seriously, the number of patents owned by the businesses are also considered in the analysis and it turns out that the outcome is still firmly held. We also conduct SWOT analysis for the superior seeds industry and make the corresponding strategies.


