  • 期刊


Basic Study of a Balanced System for the Sprayer Booms


本研究是以改善噴藥撒佈特性為出發點,研製一以油壓做為操控動力的噴藥桿架平衡系統,並進而討論系統的特性以及實際應用之可行性。 本研究是以自行設計開發的桿架平衡系統為主體,除了硬體的設計試製外,並對於機構系統的阻尼、阻尼比、自然頻率以及系統剛性的取得建立了一可行之方式。藉此以獲得噴藥桿架與噴藥桿滑座之質量、剛性、與阻尼圖;再者,利用油壓系統專用之電腦輔助設計分析軟體(HyPneu)來模擬整個桿架平衡系統之操作特性,最後並實際以噴藥架水平測試以及噴藥撒佈特性來驗證其可行性。 藉由電腦模擬與實際測試的結果均顯示,新開發的噴藥架平衡系統確實可提升噴藥撒佈的均勻度。


This study is based on the improvement of the spraying distribution for the self-propelled field sprayers. The purpose of this study is to develop a hydraulic-operated balanced system for the sprayer booms and then to discuss the characteristics and feasibility of this system. The balanced system for sprayer booms in this paper is designed & developed by self, not only the development of the hardware, but also the values of structural damping, damping ratio, natural frequency and stiffness. The mass-spring-damper diagram of the sprayer boom and the frame of the sprayer boom are also found. By means of a computer-aided design software for hydraulic system: HyPneu, the hydraulic-operated balanced system will be simulated. The characteristics of the system can be found out and the feasibility of the system can also be proved from this simulation. The results show that the use of this self-developed hydraulic-operated balanced system for sprayer booms can improve the spraying distribution effectively.
