  • 期刊


The Former Soviet Union and Rusia's Policy to the Korean Peninsula


自戈巴契夫實施新思維外交政策後,結束東西方冷戰狀態;同時開展蘇聯與亞太地區的新關係,其中包括對朝鮮半島的政策。蘇聯於一九九0年和南韓建交,成為當時唯一與南北韓建立外交聯繫的大國;莫斯科的目在與漢城發展密切的經貿投資關係,但並未放棄對平壤的政治、軍事支持,儘管平壤對克理姆林宮的作為十分不滿。 一九九一年俄羅斯繼承蘇聯,並繼續與南韓維繫密切的政經關係,便迫切殷望漢城提供經濟、投資合作,顯現對朝鮮半島重南輕北的政策。其結果使莫斯科逐漸喪失對平壤的影響力,及毀損雙方密切的經濟、政治、軍事關係。莫斯科向漢城的一面政策,並未爭取到其企盼的巨量經濟合作機會。一九九四年之後,俄國開始調整對兩韓策略;由於俄國本身政經情勢持續惡化,對外聲望和實力嚴重受損,連帶對朝鮮半島的作用也相對削弱。


After Gorbachev promoted his “New thinking” foreign policy, the cold war ended and the former Soviet Union began to develop new relations with the Asia-Pacific, including the Korean peninsula. The former Soviet Union opened diplomatic relations with South Korea in 1990, becoming the only big power to have formal contacts with the two Koreas. Developing intense trade and investment cooperation with Seoul became a major goal for Moscow. At the same time ,the Kremlin never abandoned its politicalmilitary support of Pyongyang, despite North Korea’s unhappiness with Gorbachev’s behaviour. Russia inherited the Soviet Union’s foreign obligations and international status in 1992, and continued to retain intense political-economic relations with South Korea. Moscow’s policy to the Korean peninsula seems to favor Seoul at the expense of Pyongyang. Consequently, Moscow has lost influence over North Korea. Russia’s pro=Seoul policy did not earned her economic cooperation, however. Thus after 1994, Russia was forced to revise its foreign policy regarding the two Koreas.


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