  • 期刊


PoliticalPolitical Development in Post-Independent Kazakstan the Second Presidential Election




The October 1998 announcement of the Kazakstani parliamentary calling for an early presidential election not only resulted in fierce attacks by the opposition, but also invited dissatisfaction and criticism by the West. Since Kazakstan gained her independence, Nulsutan A. Nazarbayev won a popular election in an uncontested race in December 1991. He vowed to move forward along the path of democratic reform and a free-market economy. Even though he regarded himself as a leader with democratic ideals, the West has witnessed little progress since he has came to power. That the speed of economic transition appears to be faster than that of political reform is generally the case in the former Soviet states─Kazakstan is no exception. Nazarbayev has improved the country's economy by utilizing the country's rich resources and Kazakstan has achieved the highest per capita GDP among her neighboring states. However, the political rights and civil liberties of Kazakstan are no better than those enjoyed by other peoples in the region. Given his re-election to a second term, Nazarbayev now has the opportunity to step up the pace of democratic and economic reforms. If he can achieve these, Kazakstan would deserve its reputation as the number one power in the Central Asian area.


Kazakstan (or Kazakhstan) juz Nazarbayev Kazhegeldin Abdildin Kasymov Majilis


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