  • 期刊


China First or U.S. First? A Discussion of Japan's Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era


冷戰結束與中國的崛起,造成東亞地區國際政治的板塊移動,使日本重新思考其國家角色與在此地區國際政治中的定位,讓美、日意識到新的威脅。冷戰後東亞大國間的對峙關係依舊存在,美國仍是左右日、中關係的最大因素。中國的崛起對東亞區域安全有何影嚮? 「中國威脅論」的出現對日、中關係將造成何種方式的衝擊? 對台灣的意義為何? 本文旨在探討近年日本外交有關中國或美國優先的爭論,並探討日、中、台新安全架構的可能發展。


The collapse on communist regimes in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe has ushered in a new era in East Asia. The end of the Cold War has fundamentally changed the trilateral relations among the United States, Japan, and China. Although the end of the Cold War renewed Japan’s dream of reasserting itself as a major political force to be reckoned with in the international arena, the threat of China has once again forced the second largest economy in the world to realign itself with its most important ally, the United States. The basic pattern of international relations in East Asia remains the same. The United States is still the most dominant hegemon. The rise of China has permanently transformed the regional security of East Asia. The main concern of this paper regards the implications of the “theory of China threat” for Japan. Is there a “China threat”? How do the Japanese perceive the rise of China ? How should Taiwan position itself in this new regional power realignment ? What will future Sino-Japanese relations look like ? These are the issues that paper will address.


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