  • 期刊


Digital Security and Global Governance


由於新的戰爭與衝突形式是建立在人類科技不斷創新的基礎上,因此,科技與國際安全議題的聯結將成為國際間建立新秩序,或是進行全球治理的過程中不可忽略的重要課題。如何架構一個以數位科技所衍生的安全問題(以下簡稱為數位安全)為核心的全球治理模式已是當務之急。「九一一事件」的發生,再次提醒了我們,當前人類或國家所面臨的迫切安全威脅,不只來自於門檻較高的核子大戰,也來自於隨時可能出現的不對稱恐怖戰爭。也因為數位科技的無所不在,產生了資訊社會高度依賴數位科技之後的易脆性(vulnerability),而這個易脆性正是國家安全(state security)與人民安全(civilian security)彼此鑲嵌(embedded)的結果。 本研究試圖說明數位科技的不當使用將成為二十一世紀國家安全的新威脅,雖然為了因應數位科技世代所面臨的安全威脅,全球與區域網路安全治理建制已經逐步在形成之中,然而跨國性的數位安全治理仍將因為制度行為者本身安全易脆性的差異性;國家主權的衝擊以及數位科技犯罪的監督不易等因素,無法發揮應有的功能。本研究嘗試提出「鑲嵌安全」的概念,主要目的在於破除「國家安全」與「人民安全」傳統分界,並主張唯有國家行為者與非國家行為者確實認知數位時代「鑲嵌安全」的本質,並將此認知具體落實在政策層面,才可能擺脫前述治理困境,並架構一個全球數位安全網。


According to conventional wisdom, state security and civilian security are two separate concepts. Those who study state or national security will basically be categorized as scholars of international politics, while those who study civilian security criminologists. However, in the era of informationalization and globalization, one can hardly differentiate the boundary of these two levels of analysis. In view of the emerging unconventional warfare and the high degree of dependency of human beings on informationization, this paper tries to explore a new dimension of security studies that combines these two concepts. The author argues that the interdependence and the nature of embeddedness of the two levels of security under the threat of misuse of information technology necessitate the recognition of the vulnerability of separate security management. Learning about embedded security in the digital era might be the key to global governance of any transnational security issue.


Our Global Neighborhood
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