  • 期刊

Contribution of Complementary Food Nutrients to Estimated Total Nutrient Intakes for Rural Guatemalan Infants in the Second Semester of Life



背景:在發展中國家,添加嬰兒輔食品的時機經常太早或太遲,且輔食品品質普遍不良,尤其是鄉村地區,傳統上是以澱粉類粥食為主。從這些傳統的輔食品中較不易攝取充足的營養素。目的:探討瓜地馬拉嬰兒的輔食品對整體營養素攝取的貢獻。方法:以便利取樣方式從Santo Domingo Xenacoj的瓜地馬拉高原村落中,抽出64位6-12個月的嬰兒的母親,挑非連續的三天實施24小時飲食回憶問卷。並額外調查哺乳前後餵食的食物及首項添加的輔食品和飲料。根據體重計算嬰兒熱量需求,並假設除輔食品外,是由母乳滿足其餘熱量需求,由此估算母乳攝取量。依據2004年WHO/FAO的營養素建議攝取量判定營養素是否攝取足夠。結果:完全哺餵母乳達六個月的母親非常稀少。大多數營養素平均攝取量和密度皆達標準,除了鈣、鐵和鋅。營養素攝取量較多來自輔食品。由於強化糖的關係,維生素A攝取量過多。結論:大多數營養素攝取量接近標準,這與多數文獻的輔食品添加經驗不相同。而鈣、鐵和鋅的不足和過去發展中國家的研究結果一致。


Background: In developing countries, complementary foods are often introduced earlier or later than appropriate and the quality is frequently insufficient, particularly in rural areas where complementary foods have traditionally been based on starchy gruels. Adequate intakes of a number of nutrients are recognized to be problematic in traditional complementary feeding regimens in developing societies. Aim: To determine the contribution of the complementary feeding nutrients to the estimated total nutrient intake in Guatemalan infants. Methods: Three non-consecutive 24-hr recalls were collected from a convenience sample of mothers of 64 infants, aged 6-12 month on enrolment, in the rural Guatemalan highland village of Santo Domingo Xenacoj. Additional information on early introduction of pre- and post-lacteal feeds and on first foods and beverages was included. Human milk intakes were estimated by a model based on assumptions regarding satisfaction of weight-based daily energy needs by the combined diet. The 2004 WHO/FAO recommended nutrient intakes were used as the standard for adequate nutrient consumption. Results: We observed that exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 month is rare. Mean nutrient intakes and densities were above recommended intakes for all nutrients examined, except calcium, iron and zinc. Intakes of most nutrients were greater from the complementary feeding component of the diet. Vitamin A intake was excessive due to consumption of fortified sugar. Conclusions: We conclude that intakes of most micronutrients were near recommendation levels, unusual within the complementary feeding experience in scientific literature. Calcium, iron and zinc were identified as ”problem nutrients” as persistently reported in developing countries.
