  • 期刊

Estimation of Usual Intake and Food Sources of Choline and Betaine in New Zealand Reproductive Age Women



近年來,膽鹼被認為與神經發展、認知功能及神經管缺陷的發生有關。然而,紐西蘭人的膽鹼日常攝取資料不足,且缺乏膽鹼及其代謝物甜菜鹼的飲食攝取量評估。本研究的目的為估算紐西蘭育齡婦女,其膽鹼及甜菜鹼的日常攝取量及食物來源。飲食攝取數據是來自125名年齡18-40歲的婦女樣本,收集三天的秤重食物記錄,估算膽鹼及甜菜鹼攝取的分布值。膽鹼及甜菜鹼每日攝取平均(標準差)量分別為316(66)毫克及178(66)毫克。總膽鹼攝取量相對於熱量攝取及體重分別為0.18 mg/kcal及5.1 mg/kg。只有16%的參與者符合或超過成年女性膽鹼的足夠攝取量(AI)425毫克。膽鹼的前五項主要食物來源為蛋類、紅肉類、奶類、麵包及雞肉;甜菜鹼的來源為麵包、早餐穀片、麵條類、穀類及根莖類(紅蘿蔔、歐洲防風草根、甜菜根、瑞典蕪菁)。近期出現較多對於一般人群的膽鹼及甜菜鹼飲食攝取量範圍的報告,本研究結果將對此有貢獻。在這群紐西蘭女性樣本中,少數參與者符合或是超過AI量。鑑於近期流行病學證實增加膽鹼及甜菜鹼攝取的健康效益,應提出建議鼓勵攝取富含膽鹼及甜菜鹼的食物。


Recently, choline has been associated with neurodevelopment, cognitive function and neural tube defect incidence. However, data on usual intakes are limited, and estimates of dietary intakes of choline and its metabolite betaine, are not available for New Zealanders. The objective of the present study was to determine usual intake and food sources of choline and betaine in a group of New Zealand reproductive age women. Dietary intake data were collected from a sample of 125 women, aged 18-40 years, by means of a 3-day weighed food record, and usual choline and betaine intake distributions were determined. The mean (SD) daily intakes of choline and betaine were 316 (66) mg and 178 (66) mg, respectively. The total choline intake relative to energy intake and body weight was 0.18 mg/kcal and 5.1 mg/kg, respectively. Only 16% of participants met or exceeded the Adeuate Intake (AI) for adult women of 425 mg of choline. The top five major food contributors of choline were eggs, red meat, milk, bread and chicken; and of betaine were bread, breakfast cereal, pasta, grains and root vegetables (carrots, parsnips, beetroot, swedes). Our findings contribute towards the recent emergence of published reports on the range of dietary choline and betaine intakes consumed by free-living populations. In our sample of New Zealand women, few participants were meeting or exceeding the AI level. Given recent epidemiological evidence suggesting health benefits of increased choline and betaine intakes, recommendations should be made to encourage the consumption of choline and betaine-rich foods.


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