  • 期刊

Influence of Early Enteral Nutrition (EEN) on Insulin Resistance in Gastric Cancer Patients after Surgery





Objective: To evaluate the benefits of reducing insulin resistance by early enteral nutrition (EEN) in gastric cancer patients after surgery. Methods: Gastric cancer patients were managed to randomly accept traditional total parenteral nutrition (group A) or EEN (group B) after surgical treatment. The patients in group B were fed by tubes with 250-500 mL 5% sodium chloride and glucose injection at 24 h post-surgery, and were fed enteral nutritional emulsion with constant infusion by pump slowly increasing from 20 mL/h to 100 mL/h from 48 h, and then transiting to total enteral nutrition. Insulin sensitivity of patients was detected by Quicki method before operation and at 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, 120 h and 168 h post-surgery. Results: A total of 77 patients were enrolled, with 42 patients in group A, and 35 patients in group B. Baseline characteristics, biochemical indexes and operational characteristics were well balanced between two groups. The time-insulin sensitivity curves of the two groups indicated that IR was present early (day 1 to day 7) in gastric cancer patients and was significantly different between patients who had undergone surgical treatment and those who had not. Insulin sensitivity (SI) of patients in group B were higher than patients in group A with adjusting BMI, age and SI preoperative at 72 h, 120 h and 168 h post-surgery. Conclusions: The management of EEN can alleviate insulin resistance in gastric cancer patients with surgical treatment.


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