  • 期刊

Prevalence and Correlates of Zinc Deficiency in Pregnant Vietnamese Women in Ho Chi Minh City



背景:儘管越南是一個以蔬食為主而有高的鋅缺乏地區,但是這對於懷孕婦女影響如何,仍缺乏流行病學的數據。本研究探討胡志明市的越南懷孕婦女其鋅缺乏盛行率與可能相關因素。方法:這個橫斷性研究執行於越南胡志明市的一間綜合醫院。自2011年11月到2012年6月第一次來產檢的孕婦為研究對象,但排除那些有服用維生素及/或礦物質補充劑的孕婦。以標準比色法評估血清鋅濃度,濃度範圍10.7 μmol/L-17.5μmol/L(70.0 g/dL-114 g/dL)被分類為正常組,低於10.7 μmol/L(70.0 g/dL)為鋅缺乏。結果:共有254名孕婦受邀,最後計107名(42%)參與研究。參與者平均年齡為29歲,平均懷孕週數為10週。血清鋅中位數為13.6 μmol/L,鋅缺乏盛行率為29%(95% CI=21%-39%)。在所有研究項目中,只有乳製品補充的每日攝取量與鋅缺乏具有相關性(校正OR=0.40,95%CI=0.61-0.99,p=0.049)。討論:這是第一個研究報告胡志明市懷孕的越南婦女有超過25%鋅缺乏。需要更進一步的學術及臨床的投入,以確認這個被忽視的問題嚴重性,並研究乳製品補充在這個族群的可能性。


缺乏 膳食補充 懷孕婦女 越南


Background: Although Vietnam is a region with a plant-based diet that has a high zinc deficiency, epidemiological data showing how this affects pregnant women are limited. This study explores the prevalence of zinc deficiency and possible correlates in pregnant Vietnamese women in Ho Chi Minh City. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at a general hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. All pregnant women who came to their first antenatal care visit from November 2011 to June 2012 were recruited. Those taking a vitamin and/or mineral supplement were excluded. Serum zinc concentrations, determined by a standard colorimetric method, of 10.7 μmol/L-17.5 μmol/L (70.0 g/dL-114 g/dL) were classified as normal and under 10.7 μmol/L (70.0 g/dL) as zinc deficient. Results: In total, 254 pregnant women were invited and 107 (42%) participated. The mean age of participants was 29 years, and mean gestational age was 10 weeks. Median zinc concentration in serum was 13.6 μmol/L, and the prevalence of zinc deficiency was 29% (95% CI=21%-39%). The daily intake of a milk product supplement was the only significant correlate of zinc deficiency of the items investigated (adjusted OR=0.40, 95% CI=0.16-0.99, p=0.049). Discussion: This is the first study reporting that more than 25% of pregnant Vietnamese women in Ho Chi Minh City are zinc deficient. Further academic and clinical input is needed to confirm the scale of this neglected issue and to investigate the potential of milk product supplementation in this population.


zinc deficiency dietary supplement pregnant women Vietnam


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