  • 期刊

Daily salt intake estimated by overnight urine collections indicates a high cardiovascular disease risk in Thailand



此橫斷性研究(2012年2月至2013年3月)為評估居住在社區具高心血管疾病風險(Framingham危險分數>15%)的793名參與者的鹽攝取量及其基本特性,他們曾因糖尿病或是高血壓至泰國清萊府Muang區的健康中心就診。我們分析參與者的基本特性,並使用自動化分析儀評估所收集的三天隔夜尿液,藉此推估平均24小時鹽攝取量。依照估算的每日鹽攝取量中位數將參與者分成高鹽(≥10.0 g/day,n=362)及低鹽(<10.0 g/day,n=431)攝取量組,兩組對象平均年齡及男性比例分別為65.2歲、67.5歲及37.6%、42.7%(p=0.01, p<0.01)。高鹽攝取組有較多參與者有家族高血壓病史、使用抗高血壓藥、較少人介於理想身體質量指數範圍(18.5-24.9)、較高的運動頻率(每週大於等於兩次)與較低的高鹽攝取認知。在高鹽攝取組中,那些對高鹽攝取認知低者比起相對認知高者,較為年輕且有較多人有家族高血壓病史。我們的資料顯示,家庭成員經常共有涉及高鹽攝取的生活習慣。而實際鹽分攝取量與對高鹽攝取認知之間的差異可能代表需要將減鹽介入的目標放在家庭層次。每個家庭之實際鹽分攝取量的認知應該被改善。


認知 高血壓 鹽攝取行為 家庭環境 清萊


This cross-sectional study (February 2012 to March 2013) was conducted to estimate daily salt intake and basic characteristics among 793 community-dwelling participants at high risk of cardiovascular disease (Framingham risk score >15%), who had visited diabetes or hypertension clinics at health centres in the Muang district, Chiang Rai, Thailand. We performed descriptive analysis of baseline data and used an automated analyser to estimate the average of 24-hour salt intake estimated from 3 days overnight urine collection. Participants were divided into two groups based on median estimated daily salt intake. Mean age and proportion of males were 65.2 years and 37.6% in the higher salt intake group (≥10.0 g/day, n=362), and 67.5 years and 42.7% in the lower salt intake group (<10.0 g/day, n=431), respectively (p=0.01, p<0.01). The higher salt intake group comprised more patients with a family history of hypertension, antihypertensive drug use, less ideal body mass index (18.5-24.9), higher exercise frequency (≥2 times weekly) and lower awareness of high salt intake. Among higher salt intake participants, those with lower awareness of high salt intake were younger and more often had a family history of hypertension, relative to those with more awareness. Our data indicated that families often share lifestyles involving high salt intake, and discrepancies between actual salt intake and awareness of high salt intake may represent a need for salt reduction intervention aiming at family level. Awareness of actual salt intake should be improved for each family.


Lee, Y. W., & Huang, L. H. (2020). Urinary Sodium as a Biomarker of Levels of Dietary Sodium Intake in Patients with Heart Failure. 長庚科技學刊, (32), 139-145. https://doi.org/10.6192/CGUST.202006_(32).9
