  • 期刊


Industrial Hygiene is one of the Major Frontlines of Environmental Protection






Industrial production, accompanied with potential chemical pollution to the environment, has accelerated since second world war. Poor practice of industrial hygiene not only makes the workers exposed to hazardous contaminants through air, water or food chain, but also threatens the health of people living in the nearby community. Several case histories of environmental pollution (lead, mercury, PCB, PBB, etc.) that produced health hazards to the community were reviewed to show the significance of such instances. In recent years, there were also signs of increased frequency of such problems in Taiwan. Considering the high population density and the severity of the potential health hazard (e. g. carcinogenesity, teratogenesity, reproductive toxicity, neurotoxicity, etc.), we had better promote comprehensive industrial hygiene programs immediately throughout this country in order to protect us and our sons and daughters from future tragedy. Fran the viewpoint of preventive medicine occupational and environmental diseases are most effectively and least costly prevented at the source of contaminant generation. At the industrial sources, the goal can probably be achieved through combinations of following measures: substitution, enclosure, automation, local exhaust ventilation plus air cleaning device, wet method, re-absorption and re-use of toxic chemicals, periodic maintenance of control device and evaluatiion of its effectiveness.




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