  • 期刊

Age Differences in the Structure of Self-Reported Physical Health



本研究的目的係檢定身體健康測量結構在年輕(20-39歲)、中年(40-59歲)、及老年(60歲以上)等三個不同年齡組中之異同。參考過去文獻,本研究提出一個三向度(自述疾病、身體功能、自評健康)的身體測量結構模式,並利用台大公共衛生研究所1985年問卷調查所得1,194名成人的自述性健康資料,及結構公式模式(structural equation modeling)技術驗証此健康測量結構模式之適和度,結果發現不論用Lisrel 7及EQS/EM version 3.0套裝軟體之ML或AGLS估計法,此結構模式在三個年齡組中均分別具適合性。爲進一步瞭解此模式在三年齡組間之異同,再以Simultaneous factor analysis和Lagrange multiplier test檢驗組間差異,結果發現各年齡組測量模式十分相似,主要差異是存在於年輕組和老年組間,老年組中自述疾病對身體功能之影響,顯著大於年輕組者。


This study attempts to assess the age differences in the factorial structure of a three-dimensional model of self-reported physical health among the young (2039), middle (40-59), and old (60 and over) age groups. Data for this research came from a survey (n=1, 194) conducted in 1985 by the Institute of Public Health at the National Taiwan University. The model was empirically evaluated for the various age groups by structural equation modeling using both the ML estimation in LISREL 7 and the AGLS estimation in EQSIEM version 3.0. Simultaneous factor analysis and the Lagrange Multiplier Test were applied to examine the structural differences between the three age groups. The measurement structure was found to be quite similar across the three age groups. The major difference was found between the young and the old age groups. The causal impact of self-reported conditions on functional status was significantly greater in the old age group.
