  • 期刊


Attitudes Toward and Acceptance of Sex Education for Mentally Retarded People


本研究的目的在了解與智陣者有關的家長、教育、衛生與社會工作者對智陣者性教育的看法及性行爲的觀察。研究地區爲台北市,採問卷訪視方法。研究對象爲12-30歲居住在台北市的智障者之父母們,共二百三十七人;此外,台北市國中、國小益智和啟智班老師、普通班老師,及衛生與社會福利單位工作人員共兩百人。 研究結果如下: 1.家長與專業工作者,對於智障者性教育施行的態度,均隨著智障程度的不同而有不同,智障程度愈重,支持其性教育的人數就愈少。不過整體而吉,不論輕、中、重度的智障者,認爲其性教育有必要性的專業工作者的比例均高於智障者家長。 2.大部分的受訪者認爲智障者的性教育,其家長應負起最多的責任(90%),特教老師居次,再次之爲醫療工作人員 3.多數受訪者認爲智陣者比一般人較易受到性欺侮。 4.有40.7%男性智障者與12.5%女性智障者被觀察有自慰行爲。 5.對於智障者的自慰行爲,有近五分之二的家長會採用「試著向他解釋」的方式,有四分之一的家長會儘量阻止,但專業工作者較會採行「請教醫師、老師等有關專家」的方式。 6.家長在觀察其女兒月經來處理方法時,輕度智障者有69.4%可自理,只有2%無法自理,而重度者可以自理只有4.2%。 7.月經處理的方式可能會因智障程度不同而有所不同。 8.在性教育的內容方面,就輕度者而官,「認識自己的身體器官及生理結構」,「兩性相處,婚姻關係」及「如何保護自己,安全防衛知識」爲家長與專業工作者所選擇的前三項。至於中、重度方面,雖然多數家長認爲無教育之必要,而專業工作者回答的比例又很低,但仍以「認識自己的身體器官及生理結構」此答案所佔的比例最高。


The purpose of this survey was to understand the attitudes of parents, educators, health workers and social workers toward sex education for and related sexual behaviors in mentally retarded individuals. Data were collected from 237 parents with mentally retarded children ranging in age from 12 to 30 in Taipei. Also 100 health and social workers and 100 primary and junior high school teachers from the same area were surveyed. The results were as followed: 1. The attitudes of parents and professionals toward sex education varied with the degree of retardation; the more severe the retardation, the lower the level of support. Across all levels of retardation, professionals were generally more supportive than parents. 2. Most respondents felt that parents should have the primary responsibility to educate children with mental retardation on the topic of sex. Professionals were secondary. 3. Most respondents presumed that children with retardation were more vulnerable to sexual harassment than normal children. 4. About forty percent (40.7%) of the males and 12.5% of the females with mental retardation have been observed to masturbate. 5. Given the prospect of masturbation, a quarter of the parents indicated they would attempt to stop the behavior, while half of the parents said they would ”try to explain the situation to the child”. Professionals, however, urged parents to first consult medical or related experts. 6. During menstrual cycles, 69.4% of the females with mild mental retardation could independently care for themselves, only 2% could not. The percentages were switched for females with severe mental retardation. 7. Methods of care during menstrual cycles differ according to the level of retardation. 8. For children with mild retardation, subjects emphasized the importance of ”understanding the physical structures of the body”, ”relationships with the opposite sex”, and ”safety, prevention, and protection.” Most parents felt no need to provide sex education for children with moderate or severe retardation.
