  • 期刊


Demand for Private Insurance among Residents in the Sing-Den Area, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C


本研究目的在探討新店市居民投保商業人身保險的現況,及未來全民健康保險實施後,加保商業人身保險的意願,並分析其相關特性。以新店市20至65歲的居民爲研究對象。依聚落及系統抽樣法,抽出3701人。於民國78年11月間進行問卷訪視,共得有效樣本1700位,回收率爲46%。結果顯示:27.7%的民眾目前有商業人身保險,且其中78.9%爲人壽險、15.6%意外傷害險、9.4%防癌險、4.8%子女教育年金險、2.2%婦女壽險。具商業人身保險者的特性:以年齡較輕、每月因定收入較多、有社會保險、症狀數較多者居多。 8.6%目前無商業人身保險的民眾,考慮於全民健康保險實施後加保的意願依序爲:意外傷害險34.4%、人壽險31.1%、子女教育年金險27.1%、防癌險11.5%、婦女壽險9.4%。民眾目前具有、或欲加保商業人身保險的理由依序爲:1.認爲可以儲蓄2.認爲健康保險項目太少3.認爲健康保險給付的費用太少。欲加保商業人身保險者,聽過全民健康保險的百分比(93.5%),顯著高於不加保者(75.4%)。且認爲目前勞保保費每月平約460元不合理的百分比(21%),顯著高於不加保者(13%);但其認爲合理的保費,則和不欲加保者無顯著差異,每月平均255.4元。且以教育程度較高(高中以上較高中以下)、罹病數較多者,較欲加保商業人身保險。分析其商業人身保險投保意願結構顯示:30.2%「人壽險型」、27.1%「意外險型」、22.9%「子女教育年金險型」、19.8%「防癌、婦女壽險型」。且「子女教育年金險型」、「防癌婦女壽險型」較「人壽險型」的健康自覺差;又「子女教育年金險型」較「人壽險型」多已具社會保險。 目前商業人身保險在台灣的健康保險市場拓展的空間仍極有限,新店民眾傾向以商業人身保險互補社會保險。無跡象顯示:全民健康保險的實施將對商業人身保險市場產生威脅。


This study was aimed at better understanding the current and future participation rates in private insurance, and analyzing the relevant factors which might cause one to purchase private insurance once National Health Insurance (NHI) is implemented. A total of 3701 residents in the Sing-Den area, all between 20 and 65 years old, were interviewed by questionnaire in November of 1989. The questionnaire response rate was 46%. Among the residents, 27.7 % had private insurance. Of these, 78.9% had life insurance, 15.6% had accident insurance, 9.4% had cancer insurance, 4.8 % had insurance for their children's education, and 2.2 % had insurance for women. Their reasons for purchasing commercial personal insurance were: 38.4% for savings, 20.3% because too few items were included in their insurance coverage, and 11.6% because of low reimbursement by NHI. Those who had commercial personal insurance tended to be younger, insured by social insurance, had more symptoms and had higher fixed incomes. Of the uninsured residents 8.6% were expecting to take out private insurance. Of these, 34.4% expected to purchase accident insurance, 31.1% life insurance, 27.1% insurance for their children's education, 11.5 % cancer insurance, and 9.4 % insurance for women. Those who intended to take out commercial personal insurance had a greater degree of knowledge about NHI, and considered the current Labor Force Insurance premium to be unreasonable. Characteristicly, they were more educated, and had more diseases. The distribution of the latent structure model constructed form the willingness to participate in the different types of commercial personal insurance was as follows: 30.2%, life insurance; 27.1%, accident insurance; 22.9%, insurance for children's education; and 19.8%, cancer insurance and insurance for women. Those choosing the last two types of insurance were perceived to be less healthy than those choosing only life insurance.
