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The Correlation between the Change of Serum Albumin and the Deviation of Ideal Body Weight in Gastrectomic Patients Due to Operation


本研究目的在探討是否能以開刀前病人之『理想體重差距』(實際體重與理想體重的差距),預估胃切除手術對血清白蛋白濃度所可能造成的影響,並探討身體調節血清白蛋白的情況。由三軍總醫院中需作胃切除手術治療的住院病患,會診營養支援小組後篩選出11人,這些受試者均無外輸白蛋白液,且無肝、腎、肺臟等之併發症。受試者於手術之前的血清白蛋白濃度為3.0~4.8 g/dL, 而在經過胃切除手術之後,血清白蛋白值明顯下降到2.5~3.6 g/dL。受試者在手術前之實際體重與理想體重的差距為-20~14%,以線性關係分析其手術前後血清白蛋白變化幅度與理想體重差距之關係得出γ=0.70,顯示住院病患的體重超出理想體重愈多者,其手術前後變化幅度愈多;而體重愈低於理想體重者,其手術前後變化幅度愈少。推測人體可能有『代償性』的生理效應,在體重逐漸下降時有恆定的機轉來阻止體蛋白的大量流失,使體重不足的病患在經過大手術後,能盡量避免過大幅度的下降而危及生命。


血清白蛋白 體重 胃切除


The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between the change of serum albumin and the deviation of real body weight from ideal body weight (DIBW) in gastrectomic Patients before and after operation. Eleven gastrectomic patients were subjected for this Study. The range of serum albumin of these subjects was 3.0~4.8g/dL before operation and 2.5~3.6g/dL after operation. The DIBW of these Patients were from -20% to 14% before operation. The linear correlation coefficient was γ=0.70 between the change of serum albumin and the DIBW. Results showed that higher the real body weight above ideal body weight, more the body weight lost due to operation; and lower the real body weight from ideal body weight, less the body weight lost due to operation. It seems that a compensatory effect exists in the human body.


Serum albumin body weight gastrectomy
