  • 期刊


Survey of Prosthodontic Treatment and oral Hygiene Care in Douliow, Yunlin



由於調查一個區域口腔中贗復物之多寡,有助於瞭解在罹患口腔疾病後之復建工作在該區域人口中分佈之狀態。本研究希望藉助以義診現式為雲林民眾免費診視的機會,將所得之檢查結果作一統計,以了解雲林縣斗六地區40歲以上居民之口腔衛生狀況與贗復情現,以便日後依據此份調查為基礎,對推展社區口腔復健及衛生教育之工作能有所助益。研究中對於受檢民眾進行口腔檢查與問卷調查,其中包念口腔內缺牙的狀況、是否進行贗復治療及受檢者對假牙滿意程度均作詳實的記錄,同時也進行簡單的口腔衛生教育。結果共有204位居民受檢,平均年齡為62.91歲。缺牙數方面,每人平均為5.46顆,而平均贗復顆數為3.92顆,70歲以後缺牙數激增,贗復治療也明顯增加。受測民眾共162(79.4%)位拉受過贗復治療,其中固定贗復物有151(93.2%)位,局部活動義齒人數為38人; 另有16位受檢者裝置18個全顎活動義齒。口腔衛生方面,缺牙愈多且戴活動義齒的受檢者口腔衛生愈差。義齒滿意度方面,僅6位裝置局部活動義齒的人感到滿意,而在全顎活動義齒方面卻沒有一位感到滿意。整體而言,雲林縣斗六地區居民贗復治療及對口腔衛生的維護仍嫌不足,推展口腔衛生教育工作刻不容緩。


Investigating the condition of dental prostheses in a region helps understand the popularity of dental reconstruction in that population after oral diseases. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the condition of dental prostheses and oral hygiene care in residents of Douliow, Yunlin in southwestern Taiwan. There were 2 parts of this study including answering a questionnaire and undergoing an oral examination. In total, 204 adults over 40 years old were enrolled. The mean age was 62.91 years. The mean number of missing teeth was 5.46, and on average, only 3.92 teeth had been restored by prosthodontic treatment. Significant increases in missing teeth and restored teeth were found in subjects over 70. The overall prevalence of prosthodontic treatment was 79.4% (162 subjects), including 151 subjects with fixed partial dentures, 38 subjects with removable partial dentures, and 16 subjects with at least 1-arch single dentures. Oral hygiene was found to be poorer in subjects with more missing teeth and in subjects with removable prostheses. Full satisfaction with removable partial dentures was found in only 6 subjects, and no one felt partial or full satisfaction with single or complete dentures. Overall, the oral hygiene care in subjects with prostheses of Douliow, Yunlin was poor. It is urgent to promote dental care education and quality of prosthodontic treatment in elderly populations.
