  • 期刊


In vivo evaluation of chitosan/collagen composite barrier for guided tissue regeneration


本研究之目的在評估與工研院生醫中心合作發展出可吸收性去乙醯幾丁聚醣/膠原蛋白複合之組織導引再生膜片,並選擇與可吸收性之BioMend Extend(superscript TM) 及Peri-Aid(superscript ®)膠原蛋白膜片,和 GORE OSSEOQUEST 合成高分子膜片,及不可吸收之CORE -TEX(superscript ®)e - PTFE 合成高分子膜片,等其他四種市售商品材料共同對照評估,應用8隻年齡為12個月的雄性小獵犬(beagle dog),均分4組(分別為l週、2週、4週、3個月),為動物活體評估模式,在實驗犬之左、右下顎第一、二小臼齒及大臼齒的頰側區製造骨缺損後,分別植入組織導引再生膜片,依實驗設定時間將小獵犬犧牲,取下缺損區骨頭,以光學顯微鏡觀察量測其牙堊質再生高度與齒槽骨再生高度之變化,以探討其組織再生模式及評估新膜片在臨床應用之適用性。結果顯示,去乙醯幾丁聚醣/膠原蛋白膜片在手術後第4週牙堊質再生高度平均為0.90mm,效果上與市售膠原蛋白膜片(1.05mm)相近。術後第3個月時,牙堊質再生高度可達2.60mm,較e-PTFE 膜片(2.32mm)為優;在新生骨之生成方面,膜片植入後三個月後,可發現槽骨再生高度平均可達1.16mm, 與市售可吸收性膜片(1.01mm)類似,但明顯優於e-PTFE 膜片(0.74mm)。綜合以上觀察,在防止上皮細胞向牙根尖部生長之阻隔性,及促使牙周結締組織附著於牙根表面上之再生性,去乙醯幾丁聚醣/膠原蛋白膜片均較市售膜片有相似或更佳之功能,同時在癒合初期能促進血塊凝結與減少感染的機率,而有助於傷口之穩定。


In this in vivo study, we examined the histological changes of an implanted novel chitosan/collagen composite barrier in order to confirm its clinical feasibility. Four other commercial GTR (guided tissue regeneration) membranes were chosen for comparison. Among the resorbable GTR membranes, BioMend Extend(superscript TM) and Peri-Aid(superscript ®) are collagen-based, GORE OSSEOQUEST is a synthetic membrane, and GORE-TEX(superscript®) e-PTFE is a synthetic but non-resorbable. Beagles were used as the animal model. The tested GTR barriers were implanted in critical bone defect areas. Histological and histometric evaluations at 1, 2, 4, and 12 weeks were respectively performed postoperatively to determine the healing response of each treatment modality. Like all resorbable GTR membranes, the chitosan/collagen composite barrier enhanced the cementum regeneration by 1.16 mm on average after a 28-day implantation. After 3 months, an average cementum height of 2.6 mm was observed for the chitosan/collagen composite barrier group. In our study, inhibiting epithelial migration and encouraging formation of new connective tissue attachment to rod surface provided evidence of positive results of the chitosan/collagen composite barrier placement. It also promoted blood clot aggregation and maturation early in wound-healing process and decreased wound infection.


