  • 期刊

Maxillary Molar Intrusion with Fixed Orthodontic Appliances and Bony Anchorage-A Preliminary Report with a 3-D Analysis





骨釘 骨板 矯正錨定 臼齒壓入


Overeruption of upper molars due to loss of antagonists may cause problems such as periodontal defects and occlusal interference. Molar intrusion requires anchorage support from intraoral multi-unit teeth, extraoral headgear wear or newly adopted miniscrew and miniplate as bony anchorages. The aim of this study was to investigate the amount of individual tooth movement within the same arch in cases of overerupted maxillary molars receiving partial or full-mouth fixed orthodontic treatment with miniscrews and miniplates used as anchorage. The surface topology of the cusp tips and incisal edges of the pretreatment and post-intrusion dental casts were recorded using a desktop mechanical 3D digitizer. The 3D data of the pretreatment and the post-intrusion dental casts were traced, processed, synthesized, and analyzed to distinguish the direction and magnitude & individual tooth movements. Results of this study demonstrated that the average intrusive movement of the upper first molars was 3 to 4mm with a maximum value of over 8mm. For the adjacent upper second molar and the upper first and second premolars, the amount of intrusion was around 2mm. A small difference between the buccal and palatal cusps was noted in the quantitative analysis of intrusive tooth movement. In conclusion, a significant amount of intrusion for overerupted maxillary molars can be obtained in a well-controlled manner using fixed appliances with mini-implants such as titanium miniscrews and miniplates serving as bony anchorage.
