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Taiwan Oral Health-Promoting System (TOHPS)-establishing a Study Model for a National Oral Health Surveillance System


過去台灣地區的口腔健康調查,是由衛生等每隔五年委託不同學術單位進行,不僅使用的抽樣方法、檢測工具、乃至於診斷標準都可能不盡相同,其調查結果,亦無法及時回饋到相關決策體系。因此,本研究參考了英、美、歐盟等先進國家之。腔健康監測方法,提出建構[台灣口腔健康促進網(Taiwan Oral Health Promoting System, TOHPS)計畫。TOHPS的口腔檢查是以目視法為主,監測項目包括:未治療齲齒、齲齒經驗、恆牙第一大臼齒齲齒、恆牙之溝隙封填、治療急迫性、自然牙存留狀況、牙齦狀況、黏膜狀況以及幼兒早期性齲齒等項目。2004年以彰化縣及高雄縣國小三年級學貴為對象,進行監測系統的先驅研究,2005年除深化在彰、高兩縣的成果外,並繼續擴大至宜蘭、新竹、苗栗及壹中等四縣;監測對象亦延伸至學齡前幼童及成年人。TOHPS計畫不僅是一項學術研究,更是一項實務的口腔健康基礎建設。期望政府繼續深化TOHPS這兩年所建立的基礎,落實口腔健康促進工作;應用TOHPS的架構,推展口腔衛生教育及監測等相關活動;同時透過社區的參與,使口腔健康成為一項自然而且容易做到的事。

Parallel abstracts

Many surveys on the oral health status among populations of different age groups or geographic areas were carried out in Taiwan during the past 20 years. However, the results of those surveys are not directly comparable due to a lack of consistency in the methodologies employed. With the aim of establishing a nationwide professional oral health promoting manpower network armed with simple, fast, and effective yet economic measures, we began to build the network, the Taiwan Oral Health-Promoting System (TOHPS), which has been supported by a governmental grant since 2004. The oral health surveillance systems used by different industrialized countries such as the US, UK, Australia, and Japan were reviewed and discussed. On account of local characteristics, some modifications which might elucidate major oral health problems in Taiwan were added to our system. Afterwards, a pilot test targeting third graders covering three counties was carried out in 2004. Additional areas and other age groups were included in this tested model in 2005. In fact, the TOHPS is not only an academic project but also a framework for building an infrastructure for our oral health-promoting system. After completing all the model tests, it will be one of the government's standard procedures for promoting oral health for communities throughout Taiwan.
