  • 期刊


The Influence of Orthodontic Retraction of Anterior Teeth on Tongue Movement during Swallowing




前牙後退 超音波 舌頭 吞嚥 齒顎矯正


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the changes on the tongue movement during swallowing before and after orthodontic retraction of anterior teeth using ultrasound technique. The subject consisted of four men and nine women, with a mean age of 21.3 years old. The subjects were undergoing orthodontic treatment with extraction, and there were at least 3mm space left on each side between lateral incisors and canines. The cephalometric radiography and ultrasound image of swallowing were recorded just before and after anterior teeth retraction. All the changes and correlation between the variable of anterior teeth and the variable of tongue movement during swallowing were all discussed. The result showed that there was no significant change on duration and magnitude during swallowing after anterior retraction. It is also found the rest position of tongue is highly positive related to the magnitude of phase Ⅱa and phase Ⅲa. It demonstrated that anterior teeth retraction would not affect tongue movement during swallowing.


anterior retraction ultrasound tongue swallow orthodontics
