  • 期刊


Clinical Report of a Case with Modified 2-stage Tooth autotransplantation-case Report




Due to esthetic demands in cases where severe periodontal destruction of an upper anterior tooth requires its extraction, the consequent prosthodontic treatment will be a challenge. In this circumstance, if the patient has a non-functioning tooth with an intact periodontal structure, there is the chance to transplant the tooth into the extraction socket by a modified 2-stage operative technique. In this way, the survival rate of the periodontal tissue and the regeneration ratio of the circumferential alveolar bone might be increased, and the problem of alveolar bone resorption due to severe periodontal destruction will consequently be resolved. This is a case report of a successful outcome of autotransplantation of a lower premolar by a modified 2-stage operative technique to an upper central incisor extraction site with extensive periodontal destruction.
