  • 期刊


Bonding Test on China Fir Wood Glued with Wood from Different Species



杉木造林木多屬中小徑木,節多、材質鬆軟、比重低且機械性質較差,因此利用上受到頗多限制。若能將杉木與材質細緻或機械性質較好之其他木材膠合使用,則可減少杉木之缺點並增強機械性質,擴展其用途。 本研究之目的在了解杉木與其他木材之膠合性能,以期增加杉木之利用價值。供試膠合劑為PVAc、UF、MF等3種,其他木材包括3種針葉樹材與3種濶葉樹材。將杉木分別與各其他木材作成二片膠合後,製成試片以壓縮剪斷之試驗方法測定膠合強度,試驗內容包括常態、耐水、耐熱水、耐沸水等4種。 試驗結果歸結如下: 1.常態試驗中,杉木與其他木材之膠合強度不因其他木材之比重增加而顯著增大,同時杉木之木破率大於其他木材之木破率。3種膠合劑均顯示良好之膠合性能。 2.PVAc膠合劑在耐水試驗中,膠合強度顯著降低,但杉木部分仍有木破現象之發生,UF與MF二膠合劑均具有良好之耐水性能。各膠合劑在耐熱水之試驗中,因大葉桃花心木之含水率變化最小,所以杉木與大葉桃花心木之膠合強度最大。 3.杉木與其他木材膠合強度耐沸水試驗之結果中,顯示PVAc與UF二膠合劑之性能極差,而MF膠合劑仍有相當程度之膠合強度。




In general, China fir logs from man-made forest are very small, therefore we must glue them to manufacture glulam and Press-lam for use. Because of lower density and lower mechanical strength, the wood of China fir has some restrictions when we use them for the material of furnitures and buildings. If we glue the wood of China fir with higher density wood from different species, we can obtain better glulam and press-lam in bending strength and use them for making furnitures and constructures. But the bonding property of wood glued with wood from different are affected by the chemical and physical properties of each wood species. The purpose of this study is to know the bonding property of China fir wood glue with wood from different species. In this experiment we glue China fir wood with six kinds of wood from different species using PVAc, UF and MF resin adhesives. The bonding strength tests consist of normal test, water resistance (30℃, 3hr) test hot water resistance (60℃, 3hr) and boiling water resistance (100℃, 4hr wet→60℃, 20hr dry→100℃, 4hr wet) tests. Results obtained are as follows: (I) In normal test, bonding strengths of China fir wood glued with wood from different species are not affected by the specific gravity of different species, and wood failure of China fir is larger than that of different wood species. Three kinds of adhesives show good booding properties. (2) Bonding strength of PVAc resin is evidently lowered in water resistance test. Bonding strength on China fir wood glued with Honduras mahogany is the highest for hot water resistance, owing to the lesser M.C. changes of the wood from Honduras mahogany. (3) For all the boiling water resistance test, MF resin still show better bonding results.


