  • 期刊


Tissue Culture and Acclimatization in Anoectochilus formosanus Hay



採集台東地區之金線連蒴果播種於二分之一MS(Murashige & Skoog, 1962)及KC(Knudson, 1964)培養基,結果以未裂之蒴果種子在二分之一MS可發芽成小苗,而KC則僅發芽成球體。另取採集自奮起湖之種子苗,經2年不加生長激素之繼代培養苗,切取節段在固體及液體MS添加0.5ppm NAA及0.1至0.5ppm BA組合之培養基培養3個月,並以不加生長激素之二分之一MS及KC固體培養基做爲對照,結果以添加3ppm BA之固體培養基及0.1ppm BA液體培養基生長最佳,可誘導出多芽數達5.0及7.8個,重量由原來之3.5mg增至3.4及4.4g,而二分之一MS及KC培養基之苗重僅1g,生長不良。 瓶苗馴化於25°-31℃變溫及12,000, 10,000, 7,500, 3,500, 2,000 luxes光度下4週,結果以3,500及2,000 luxes最佳。將瓶苗分成5等級直接出栽於25-33℃變溫,光度13,000, 6,000, 4,000 lux,生長於9種介質2個月至3個月,結果以6,000至4,000 lux光度生長最佳以4cm苗高之適應性及生長最佳,而以粗糠、蛇木屑、蛭石及堆肥之組合介質生長較佳。從以上馴化栽植試驗顯示,金線連最高之適生溫度在31℃以下,光度在6,000至2,000 lux。


金線連 組織培養 馴化


Capsules of Anoectochilus formosanus Hay. collected from in Taitung, Taiwan divided into mature and premature parts were seeded in both medium of l/2MS and KC. The result showed that only premature seeds could germinate and seedlings in 1/2MS, but only prctocorm like-body formed in KC. The nodes of plantlet taken from the seedlings which subcultured in 1/2MS and KC without adding growth regulators for two years were cultured in the solid and liquid MS medium supplemented with NAA 0.5ppm and BA 0.lppm to 5ppm. The solid MS with NAA 0.5ppm and BA 3pom and liquid MS with NAA 0.5ppm and BA 0.lppm were recommended, because every node in these medium growed more buds (5.0 and 7.8 buds), more seedling weight (from the origin weight 3.5mg to 3.4g and 4.4g) than that in the l/2MS and KC which seedling weight only 1g after 3 month growth. To determine the adaptive environment of A. formosanus, the plantlets in vitro were acclimatized at alternating temperature 25-33℃ and different light intensity from 2,000 to 12,000 lux and plantlets in vitro of five height classes were transplanted into 9 media at the same range of temperature and light intensity. From these experiment, it is suggested that the adaptive environment of A. formosanus are at 25-31℃ temperature and 2,000 to 6,000lux light intensity, and the better media are rice shell, crushed tree fern, vermiculiteand compost.


