  • 期刊


Comparative Study on the Dry Matter Productions of Dendrocalamus giganteus and D. asper



為瞭解巨竹與馬來麻竹物質生產之過程,及其與生產結構之關係,以作為生產力改良之基礎,本研究係以造林15年後已完全鬱閉之竹林為材料,探討育林施業如擇伐老竹、施用化學肥料或覆以土壤等措施,對其竹筍生產及枯死之影響,並由相對生長式之導出,以估算並比較生物量生產及積聚之式樣,配合地上部有機物回歸量之測定,藉以估算此二竹種在不同育林施業時之淨初生產量及物質分配。 無論是巨竹或馬來麻竹,在施行改良作業後,發筍期均將延長,發筍量增加,退筍率降低,而新竹生物量之年生產量、地上部有機物脫落量、淨初生產量及生產效性,亦均增加。就竹種比較結果而言,馬來麻竹之淨初生產量及生產效性,均較巨竹為高。 由於此二竹種兼具常綠林及落葉林物質生產之優點,林分生產力乃能較一般森林為高。


This study was investigate the sprout growth and stand productivity of Dendrocalamus giganteus and D. asper after treatments including thinning the over-matured bamboos, chemical fertilizer application and mulching soils on above-ground rhizomes. The study site is a 15-year old plantation in completely closed stands with sparse annual emerging sprouts and high abortion rate. The number and survival ratio of annual emerging sprouts were significantly increased three years following the tending practices particularly in plots with combined treatment of thinning, fertilization and mulching. Similar peak of leaf-fall from April to June were observed for both species. The pattern of litterfall remained constant, however, the amount of litterfall were increased with the increasing biomass accumulation. The productivity attributes, including the biomass production of currently sprouted bamboos, the biomass increaments of the parent bamboos and the net primary production (NPP) of the stands were all dramatically promoted after improving the stand structures, especially with the combined practices. The highest NPP of D. giganteus and D. as per were estimated as 36.9 and 36.6 ton/ha/yr. respectively. The production efficiency was decreased with the increasing of leaf area index (LAI) for both species. The dry matter production efficiency was 2.2 times higher in D. asper than D. giganteus. Generally, the NPP should increase proportionally to the increasing of LAI. However, the NPP of D. asper will decrease when LAI was sbove 4. The critical LAI point estimated for D. giganteus was 6.


