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Storage and Germination of Seeds of Lauraceae-Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kanehira and Litsea acuminate (B1.) Kurata

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本文主要是在研究二種樟科的種子,土肉桂與長葉木薑子之儲藏性質。配合過去研究過的其他樟科種子,基本上樟科種子之儲藏性質初步可歸為三大類型。 長葉木薑子型即為異儲型種子,不耐乾藏,種子一經乾燥立即喪失生命力。而4℃層積下5 個月期間內,種子50%發芽日數沒有明顯下降。 土肉桂型可能是乾儲型種子,種子經乾燥後壽命可達一年,仍屬短壽種子。而4℃層積下,2個月內,種子50%發芽日數即顯見大幅下降。 樟樹型是另一種乾儲型種子。其特性是種子可以乾燥,並維持多年壽命,種子易於陷入休眠狀態。樟科種子儲藏與發芽分岐的特性提供我們進一步探討種子活力保存與消退機制的良好研究材料。

Parallel abstracts

Two species of Lauraceae, Cinnamomum osmophloeum and Litsea acuminata, were studied for the properties of storage and germination. Based on the result of this study and the result from the previous study of other Lauraceae, preliminarily three types of property of storage can be drawn. Litsea acuminata type is one of the recalcitrant seeds. Seeds lose its viability once dried. Stratification at 4℃ with a period of five months didn't decrease the days needed for 50% germination significantly. Cinnamomum osmophloeum type is probably one of the orthodox seeds. The seed being short-life can last for one year after drying. Stratification at 4℃ for less then two months will largely decrease the days needed for 50% germination. Cinnamomum camphore is another type of orthodox seed. This type is characterized by the seeds keeping viability for many years under dried condition. Also this seed does easily enter in the state of dormancy. Diversity of storage and germination behaviour of Lauraceae will definitely offer the best materials for investigation of deterioration of seed viability.

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