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Germination Enhancement and Storage Behavior of Phellodendron wilsonii Seeds

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A regime of temperature alternating between 35℃ (with 8h of light) and 10℃ (16h in darkness) proved to be a specific method to break dormancy of seeds of Phellodendron wilsonii that were collected from the same natural population in 1990 and 1991. Seeds showed the desiccation tolerance. Seeds with low moisture content have better longevity than that of higher moisture content. Effect of storage temperature on seed longevity follows the order of -20℃>5℃>15℃. P. wilsonii was therefore recognized to conform to orthodox seed behavior.

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A regime of temperature alternating between 35℃ (with 8h of light) and 10℃ (16h in darkness) proved to be a specific method to break dormancy of seeds of Phellodendron wilsonii that were collected from the same natural population in 1990 and 1991. Seeds showed the desiccation tolerance. Seeds with low moisture content have better longevity than that of higher moisture content. Effect of storage temperature on seed longevity follows the order of -20℃>5℃>15℃. P. wilsonii was therefore recognized to conform to orthodox seed behavior.

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