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The Niche of the Public Library Management from the Marketing Point of View



創造產品價值,滿足顧客需求,達成企業使命,履行社會責任及開啟永續商機是行銷的五大目的,圖書館雖為非營利機構的一環,然而其扮演提供資訊服務,滿足使用者需求,達成建館宗旨,履行終身學習任務,開啟永續經營契機之目的與行銷的理念是十分接近的。企業界自1950年代已漸漸體認列行銷導向是最重要的經營法則,美國當代行銷學泰斗之一Philip Kotler亦著有「非營利組織機構的行銷」(Strategic Marketing for nonprofit Organization),可見二者運用行銷的時間雖有先後,惟其建構產品與消費者之間最佳組合的終極目標是不謀而合的,透過這項假設,本文企圖尋找公共圖書館經營的利基及應扮演的角色。


行銷 公共圖書館 利基


The five main purposes of the marketing are: (1)to create the values of products (2)to satisfy the needs of customers (3)to achieve the goals of enterprises (4)to fulfil the social duties and (5)to grab the consecutive business opportunities. Being a part of non-profit organizations, the library's main purposes are quite the same with those of the marketing. People have began to realize that the marketing-oriented method is the most important management rule since 1950's. Philip Kotler, one of the leading authorities in the American marketing field of the present-day, has also written a book called ”Strategic Marketing for Non-profit Organization”. Although there is a time lag in applying marketing concept, the final goal of the combination of the products and customers is quite the same between that of Kotler and the people in the 1950's. Based upon this hypothesis, the essay is trying to find out the niche and the roles of the public libraries.


marketing public libraries niche
