Google宣布將與幾個最重要的研究型圖書館簽約,將其館藏數位化,使研究者可以從網路上蒐尋到這些資料,這五大圖書館包括哈佛(Harvard)大學圖書館、密西根(Michigan)大學圖書館、牛津大學的Bodleian圖書館(Bodleian at Oxford)、史丹佛(Stanford)大學圖書館、紐約公共圖書館(the New York Public Library);OCLC在2003年發表了圖書館環境掃瞄報告,全面性的探討圖書館面臨到的經濟、社會、研究及科技的衝擊,又於2004年發表未來五年資訊型式發展趨勢之研究報告;數位與網路科技的迅速發展,對圖書館的衝擊很大,也不禁讓我們憂心公共圖書館發展的方向在那裡?本文主要從國際先進科技發展觀點入手,並分析國內狀況,探討臺灣公共圖書館的發展方向以供參考。
In December, 2004, Google Inc. announced its collaboration with several prestigious university and public libraries to digitalize their collections and make them available online to researchers. The participating libraries include those at Harvard University, the University of Michigan, Bodleian Library at University of Oxford, Stanford University, and the New York Public Library. OCLC published the 2003 OCLC Environmental Scan: Pattern Recognition report and 2004 Information Format Trends: Content, Not Containers report respectively. The former report examines the economic, social , research, and technological impacts on libraries, and the latter one lays out the top trends in content and what they may mean for libraries in the next five years.The rapid development of digital and web technology has made a great impact on libraries, which prompts worries about the future of public libraries in Taiwan. This article is mainly to describe the development of international advanced technologies and analyze the situation in Taiwan, and then to give some advice to public libraries for future directions.