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A Study on Fertility of Married Women Age below 30, in Musa District, Taipei City


民國五十七年政府正式訂定人口政策,積極推動家庭計劃工作,臺灣地區的人口自然增加率已由民國四十八年的3.4%降至目前的2.1%,不過三十歲以下的婦女生育率仍然很高。有關資料顯示,臺灣地區的Loop acceptor和Pill acceptor的平均年齡分別為31.3歲和31.6歲,一般已婚婦女達到理想子女數的平均年齡為24.5歲,加強對三十歲以下已婚婦女之家庭計劃實為今後努力之方向,筆者於民國62年8月至63年4月間就臺北市木柵區戶政事務所所載三十歲以下已婚婦女2576位為研究母體,以五分之一比例隨機抽出502位為訪問對象,因戶口遷移等因素質際訪問成功的只有261位,本研究係就訪問所得資料加以分析者。研究結果顯示261位訪問對象有75.4%教育程度為小學以下(包括小學畢業),在20歲以前(包括20歲)結婚的佔49.8%,21-25歲間結婚均佔47.5%,結婚時理想子女數在3個以下(包括3個)佔75.0%,實有子女數3個以下(包括3個)佔82.8%,平均每位婦女有2.5個子女。261位婦女中施行節育的佔49.4%,懷孕三次以下(包括三次)的佔73.9%,在懷孕結果方面,人工流產的比例隨胎次而增高,每一胎的胎間亦隨胎次而逐漸延長,第一胎間中值為10.9月,第二胎間為20.9月,第三胎間為21.3月,第四胎間為21.0月,第五胎間為21.1月,第六胎間為21.5月,施行節育的比例隨著子女數的增加而增高,整個資料顯示木柵區三十歲以下已婚婦女普遍有小家庭意願,且其生育情形受著家庭計劃及人工流產之控制。未能實施節育者大部份為年輕、子女數少及缺乏家庭計劃認識之已婚婦女,今後應善用地方資源(各種職業或婦女團體)普遍介紹家計知識,最重要者加強第一胎產後婦女之管理,以其為家計推行之起點(Trigger)進行強行追踪(Intensive Approach)。




Married women, age below 30, are the risk group of high fertility. In the coming 10 years this group of women in Taiwan should increase greatly, and neutralize the existing accomplishments of islandwide family planning program. Prospectively, married women, age below 30, should be the target group of the program. For further design, a pilot project in the catchment area of National Defense Medical Center, Musa District, was thus carried out.A total of 502 married women, age below 30 in Musa District were obtained by random sampling. Because of moving and some other reasons there were only 261 women interviewed successfully.A the survey shows, among 261 married women, there are 75.4% with primary school, or less education. 49.8% married at or before age 20. 49.5% marriied between age 21. 25.75% of married women expressed their ideal number children 3 or less. 82.5% have 3 children (including less than 3) with a mean number of children 2.5. 49.4% practiced birth control 73.9% had a pregnant frequency of 3 (including less than 3). Induced abortion rate is increased proportionally with birth rank. Birth interval widens as birth rank goes higher. The median of 1st birth interval is 10.9 months, second is 20.9 months, third is 21.3 months, fourth is 21.0 months, fifth is 21.1 months and sixth is 21.5 months. Birth control rate is higher as the number of children increases. Considered as a whole, most of the married women, age below 30, in Musa intend 10 reduce family size; their fertility is regulated by family planning and induced abortion.Those younger women, with less children, lacking family planning information and do not practice birth control, should be taught through a well organized education program by local organization or women club. Every women of first birth should be considered starting for family planning program. An intensive approach should be implemented.


