Background: Evidence Bases Nursing Practice (EBNP) is fast becoming the model for care giving. Little is know about nurse executive's knowledge about EBNP. Method: In an effort to identify Chief Nurse Executives understanding and use of EBNP, a nested study methodology was included to determine what method of inquiry would be best elicit their response. This survey was done to determine if nurse executives were more apt to respond to a questionnaire that appealed to their professional status and identity or one that announced the topic of the survey. Results: The total postal mailed surveys return response rate was 134 or, a 14.6% return. The proportion of surveys that were returned when the first words the subjects saw upon opening the envelope was ”EBNP Survey” was 74 out of 608 or, 12.2%. Of the 309 mailed surveys where the first words the subjects saw upon opening the envelope, with the envelope opening specifically to ”Nurse Executives” the return response was 60 or, 19.4%. Conclusion: This indicates a higher rate of return proportionally by subjects who saw the words ”Nurse Executives,” and responded favorably with return of the survey. A 20% response rate is considered acceptable. This result occurred even when nearly twice the number packets opened to the words ”Evidence-Based Nursing (EBNP) Survey.” Persuasion research remains focused on healthcare consumers choices. Nurse executives comprise such one classification. The link between cognition, motivation and behavior may identify preferred practice of Evidence Based Nursing Practice.