  • 期刊


The Effects of Reinforcement Contiencency on Subtraction Performance in Learning Disabled Children


本研究旨在探討增強因素對特殊學習缺陷兒童學習減算技能之影響,並推介「應用行為分析法」在研究兒童學業行為的效用。受試是兩位美國兒童,均就讀於專門辅導特殊缺陷兒童的特殊班級。男孩是11歲,女孩是12歲,二人對算術特別感到困難,尚未能熟練最基本的減法。 實驗採用「多基準線設計法」,以臺灣五元硬幣及玩具為增强物,激勵受試兒童學習基本減算法及兩位數借位減法,實驗結果顯示:兩位受試兒童在增強階段的成績進步特別大,不僅習得新減算技能(借位減法),而且在熟練程度方面進步也很可觀。此一結果得以佐證,若教材難易能適當配合兒童之現有能力,並考慮減算技能本身的難易層次再適當運用強而有力的增強因素,誠可增進特殊學習缺陷兒童的學習效果。




This study investigates the effects of a reinforcement contingency (Chinese Toys) on subtraction performance in terms of proficiency and acquisition.An eleven year old boy and a twelve year old girl participated in this study. They were labeled learning disabled and were unable to perform subtraction problems which required borrowing. The experiment followed a multiple baseline design: the two subjects were given the same experimental intervention sequentially. At the same time each day, the subjects were allowed four minutes to work on a daily problem sheet: two minutes on Type A problems and two minutes on Type B problems. Type A problems were subtraction facts (i.e.,14-8). The subjects had median score of about 30% correct for these problems during the baseline phase.Type B problems required borrowing (i.e.,24-8). The subjects scored 0% correct on these problems. When reinforcement was added, the subjects' scoreson both types of the problems gradually rose to 100% correct. The correct rate medians for the subjects also increased markedly. When the reinforcement contingency was withdrawn, both subjects maintained their high level of performance. These results indicated that reinforcement not only increased the children's computational proficiency, but also improved the children's computational acquisition and accuracy. It suggests that reinforcement is a powerful educational strategy effective in some situations if the learning objective adequately matches the children's ability.


