  • 期刊


Mother's Attachment Experiences and Her Child-Rearing Practice as Related to Attachment of Preschool Children


本研究主要目的有四:(1)探討受試母親幼年的依附經驗,目前的教養行為,以及其學前子女依附品質三變項之間的相互關係;(2)探討高、低安全依附類型的受試幼兒,其母親的依附經驗與教養方式是否有顯著的差異;(3)探討受試幼兒的依附安全分數,是否經由母親幼年的依附經驗,及目前教養方式的影響之線性模式考驗;(4)探討依附Q-set研究工具在我國的適用性。本研究的受試為80名母親及其學前年齡的子女,子女的年齡在3.0-5.0歲之間。本研究以母親-父親-友伴量表(mother-father-peer scale, Epstein, 1983)測量受試母親幼年的依附經驗,以親子關係問卷及母親教養行為量表測量受試母親目前的教養行為,並前往受試家中以依附Q-set(Waters, 1989)為觀察工具,測量受試幼兒的依附安全分數。本研究之主要結果如下: 1.本研究受試母親的依附經驗,包括回憶母親對其「鼓勵獨立vs過度保護」、「接納vs拒絕」與「將母親理想化」的程度,以及回憶父親對其「鼓勵獨立vs過度保護」、「接納vs拒絕」與「將父親理想化」的程度。研究結果顯示:受試母親依附經驗各變項之間大多呈正相關存在。 2.本研究受試母親的教養方式,包括「親子關係問卷」中「控制性」、「敏感性」、「接納性」、「教導性」、以及「易近性」各分量表,與「母親教養行為量表」中之分量表「鼓勵獨立vs過度保護」、「接納vs拒絕」。研究結果顯示:除了「控制性」與「教導性」之間有負相關之外,其餘各變項之間大多呈正相關存在。 3.受試母親的依附經驗與其教養方式之相關分析結果顯示:除了教養方式之分量表「控制性」與受試母親的依附經驗之間有負相關之外,其餘各變項之間大多呈正相關存在, 4.受試母親的依附經驗與其教養方式及受試幼兒安全分數三者之間的相關分析結果顯示:三者之間各變項亦多呈正相關存在。 5.為了探討不同依附類型之受試幼兒,其母親的依附經驗與教養方式是否有差異存在?乃將80位受試幼兒在「依附Q-set」上的得分依照其安全分數位於平均數上下一個標準差以外的標準將受試幼兒分為「高安全型依附」及「低安全型依附」兩種依附類型,共得「高安全型依附」的受試幼兒12人,「低安全型依附」的受試幼兒14人。進行多變項異數分析結果顯示:就整體效果而言,本研究兩種依附類型的受試幼兒,其母親在回憶童年與自己母親與自己父親的依附經驗上,有顯著差異存在。而就個別變項而言,t考驗結果顯示:在回憶母親部份,在「接納vs拒絕」與「將母親理想化」此兩變項上,不同依附類型受試幼兒的母親達顯著差異;在回憶父親部份,在「鼓勵獨立vs過度保護」、「接納vs拒絕」與「將父親理想化」三個變項上,不同依附類型受試幼兒的母親均達顯著差異。 不同依附類型的受試幼兒,其母親的教養方式中,親子關係問卷部份的整體效果並未達顯著,而在母親教養行為量表部份的整體效果亦未達顯著,此結果顯示:本研究兩種依附類型的受試幼兒,其母親在教養方式上是沒有差異的。 本研究進一步將受試母親的依附經驗與其教養方式及學前子女的依附關係三者之間的關聯性,以線性結構分析模式進行考驗,結果顯示:母親的依附經驗會對下一代子女的安全依附有直接的影響,並不需要透過母親對子女的教養方式。而且這種直接影響,在整體效果上來看,回憶父親方面的依附經驗要比回憶母親方面的依附經驗來得顯著。但是在對母親教養方式的影響力上,整體而言,則是回億母親方面的依附經驗要比回億父親方面的依附經驗來得顯著。所以由以上的結果可知,親子關係問卷與母親教養行為量表中所測的教養方式,並非母親依附經驗與下一代子女安全依附之中介變項變。 針對上述之研究發現,本研究提出對「依附Q-set」之討論並提出一些建議以為未來進一步研究之方向。


The main purposes of this study are mainly four. They are firstly to explore the correlations between mothers' childhood attachment experiences, child-rearing behavior and their preschoolers' attachment quality; secondly to study the differences of mothers' attachment experiences and child-rearing behavior between high security attached and low security attached children; thirdly to explore whether children's security score is influenced by mothers' childhood attachment experiences and their existing child-rearing pattern analyzed by LISREL Model, and finally to explore the suitability of Waters's method of measurement of attachment of the preschool children named ”attachment Q-set”. The subjects of this study are 80 three to five year- old children and their mothers. Instruments used in this study are: ”Mother-father-peer scale” (Epstein, 1983) which is used to assess mothers' childhood attachment experiences. ”Dyad relationship questionnaire” and ”Mothers' child-rearing behavior scale” are used to assess mothers' child-rearing pattern. And ”Attachment Q-set” (Waters, 1989) is used to assess children's attachment security score. Results of this study are as follows: 1. Mothers' childhood attachment experiences, including maternal ”independence-encouragement vs overprotection”, ”acceptance vs rejection” and ”maternal idealization” and paternal ”independence- encouragement vs overprotection”, ”acceptance vs rejection” and ”paternal idealization”, are significantly correlated with each other. 2. Mothers' child-rearing pattern, including subscale ”control”, ”sensitivity”, ”acceptance”, ”guidance”, ”accessibility' from ”Dyad relationship questionnaire” and subscale ”independence-encouragement vs overprotection” and ”acceptance vs rejection” from ”mothers' childrearing behavior scale”, are significantly correlated with each other except a negative correlation is found between subscale ”control” and subscale' guidance. 3. Almost all variables of mothers' attachment experiences are significantly correlated with the variables of their child-rearing pattern except a negative correction with subscale ”control”. 4. Almost all variables of mothers' attachment experiences are significantly correlated with their child-rearing pattern and their children's security scores. 5. In order to exploraing significant difference existed between mothers' attachment experiences, child-rearing pattern of different security attached children, 80 children are diveded into ”high secur attached” and ”low secur attached” groups according to the sample mean of their security score got from ”Attachment Q-set” above or below 1 standard deviation. There were 12 children classified ”high securety attached” and 14 children classified ”low securety attached”. Multiple variable analysis has shown that on the whole, there is a significant difference existed in the mothers' childhood memory with their own mother and father. T-test result has also shown specific variables within mothers' attachment experiences have significant differences between high or low secure groups. They are maternal ”acceptance vs rejection” and ”maternal idealization”, paternal ”independence- encouragement vs overprotection”, ”acceptance vs rejection” and ”paternal idealization”, respectively. 6. No significant difference is existed in the mothers' childrearing pattern between the high and low secure attached children. 7. Data obtained in this study are further analyzed by LISREL (linear structural relationships) for understanding the relationships among mothers' childhood attachment experiences, their child-rearing pattern and children's security of attachment. The result has shown that mothers' attachment experiences has direct influence on their children's security of attachment, need not through mothers' currsect child-rearing paternal. Besides, the direct influence, on the whole effect, parental attachment experiences is more important than maternal of attachment experiences. But on the influence of child-rearing pattern, it seems that mothers' attachement experiences toward her own mother has more important influence than that toward her own father. According to the results, mothers' child-rearing pattern the seems not to be a mediate variable between mother's attachment experiences and their children's security of attachment. Based on these results, some implications about ”Attachment Q-set” are discussed and suggestions or future research are also proposed.


龐俊懿(2018)。接受感化教育青少年之父母教養方式、父母依附與 早期不適應基模之關聯〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201800418
