  • 期刊


A Comparative Study of the Effects of "Strategy Training Programs" and "Strategy Plus Cognitive Monitoring Training Programs" on the Enhancement of Cognitive Ability in Solving Inclined-Plane Task


本研究主要包括兩部份:㈠以教學實驗的方法,比較「策略訓練課程」與「策略及認知監控訓練課程」對國小六年級學生在「斜坡物體下滑問題」解題能力的增進效果,以及遷移效果。㈡採用質的研究法,分析學生的原有知識,探索其解題時思考的心理歷程,以期能發現學習困難的癥結,並對國小自然科敎學提供具體之建議。 研究對象為台北縣秀朗國小六年級45名男生與45名女生,以隨機的方式將男、女學生各分派為「策略及認知監控組」、「策略組」與「控制組」等三組,即每組有男生15人,女生15人。其中策略組學生接受四個單元,每個單元60分鐘的策略訓練課程。而策略及認知監控組學生在接受四個單元的策略訓練課程之後,再接受八個單元,每個單元60分鐘的認知監控訓練課程。控制組學生則沒有接受任何訓練課程。 所得的資料分別以x^2統計法及獨立樣本單因子變異數分析考驗假設。其次,為了要實際瞭解學生解題時的內在心理歷程,並分析不同組別學生遷移歷程之個別差異情形,本研究採用放聲思考的個別晤談方式,分別對策略及認知監控組與策略組較具代表性之學生進行訪談。 研究結果如下: 一、研究者分析全體預試學生的筆試試卷後發現,造成大部份學生無法正確解答斜坡問題的原因並不完全相同。有些是由於無法將題目中的文字敘述轉換成相對應的斜坡問題;有些是無法將砝碼重量和斜坡傾斜度以比値的關係呈現,而有些是因計算錯誤,另外有些則是受到無關因素的幹擾等。 二、策略及認知監控訓練課程與策略訓練課程皆能充分提升學生斜坡問题之解題發展層次。 三、策略及認知監控訓練課程可促進學生解決斜坡應用問題之遷移能力,但策略訓練課程卻未見其遷移效果。 四、經由原案分析的結果發現,策略及認知監控組學生與策略組學生的解题行為表現不同,除了策略組學生信心不足外,無法有效使用解題策略和缺乏自我監控能力等,均可能是造成其解題表現不佳的原因。


There were two main purposes for this study. First, two programs, ”Strategy training program” and ”Strategy plus cognitive monitoring program”, were developed and the enhancing and transferring effects of these two programs on the problem solving abilities of the sixth graders in dealing with the questions of inclined-plane task were compared. Second, in order to find out the reasons for students' learning difficulties, the qualitative research method was used to analyze students' behaviors and thinking process of problem solving. Ninety sixth graders, 45 male and 45 female, were selected from eight classes in Show Lang Elementary School for this study. They were randomly assigned to three groups: Strategy training group (ST), Strategy plus cognitive monitoring training group (SCMT) and control group (C). Each group had 30 subjects with 15 male and 15 female. These three groups, namely ST, SCMT and C group, received four-session strategy training program, four-session strategy training plus eight-session cognitive monitoring training program, and no training, respectively. There were 60 minutes in each session. The data obtained were analyzed by Chi-square statistics and one-way analysis of variance. After that, the method of individual thinking-aloud interview was used to explore the psychological process of students' problem solving and to compare differences of transferring processes between ST group and SCMT group. The major findings were summarized as follows: 1. The results from the analysis of the rules used by subjects to solve the inclined-plane task and their error types of the application of these rules indicated that the reasons to be unable to solve problems for most of students were not completely the same. The resons may result from being unable to understand the key points of the problems, unable to translate the written description into inclined-plane task, using the minus strategy to solve problems instead of division strategy, etc. 2. Both ”Strategy training program” and ”Strategy plus cognitive monitoring training program” showed significant enhancement effects on the rules for the inclined-plane tasks. 3. ”Strategy plus cognitive monitoring training program” showed significant transferring effects on the scores for the inclined-plane word problems. But ”Strategy training program” showed no significant transferring effects. 4. The results from the analysis of the protocols between SCMT group and ST group indicated that the processes of solving problem of SCMT group were different from those of ST group. Generally speaking, ST group was unable to solve inclined-plan word problem effectively, due probably to lacking of confidence, overemphasizing numbers and ignoring written description. At the end of this paper, results were dicussed, and suggestions about the application of these programs were also offered.


